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[News] With Parts of Novell's Deal Disclosed, Developers Get Angry

News: Novell's Patent Fun

,----[ Quote ]
| More than a few people have been angered by Novell's patent
| indemnification agreement with Microsoft. If you're looking a
| bunch of really exciting fun, you can find a redacted version
| of the entire agreement  filed with the SEC. There's two nice
| bits in there about Wine. The first pretty much means Novell
| won't ever ship Wine (someone please correct me if I'm wrong
| because it's late and I might have pieced it together wrong.) Why?


Novell Paying Microsoft Not to Sue

,----[ Quote ]
| The agreement enshrines the pretzel-like position Novell has been
| forced to adopt because it appears to be paying Microsoft not to
| sue its customers for using Linux.
| [...]
| It looks as if the agreement makes provision for the possibility
| that Novell will get acquired -- it passes through -- unless, it
| appears, it goes to a private equity buy-out firm or a company
| that gets less than 10% of revenues from hardware and software.
| There are also safety nets for product spin-offs.


Microsoft, Novell defend partnership, promise details

,----[ Quote ]
| Corbet of LWN.net, however, accused Novell of enabling Microsoft's
| bad behavior. "Novell is paying Microsoft a per unit fee (on sales
| of SUSE Linux). If there's not a patent issue, what are you
| paying for?" he asked.
| [...]
| The issue of patents has been front and center at OSBC ... and
| audience members expressed disappointment at the mixed signals
| coming from Microsoft over possible litigation, and what many
| perceived as a lack of honest cooperation between Microsoft
| and the open source community.  "I'm not afraid of Novellc
| oming after me like I'm afraid of Microsoft coming after me," 
| said Jon Stumpf, Senior Vice President of Engineering at AIG.
| "I don't need a new (collaboration) deal on virtualization or
| ODF. I need cooperation on standards."  At other times, 
| audience members responded with outright derision at efforts
| to smooth over the disagreements that have followed from the
| partnership.


Novell goes public with terms of Microsoft Linux deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Under the terms of the agreements, Microsoft will spend hundreds of
| millions of dollars on licensing fees and sales and marketing costs
| over five years, including $240 million for SUSE Linux Enterprise
| Server subscription certificates. For its part, Novell has agreed to 
| pay Microsoft a percentage of revenue from open-source products.


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