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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Keeps Contract-signing Meetings Secret

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Don't mention the broadband speeds
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The outspoken Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is on a whirlwind tour of 
> | Australia, but don't expect to hear too much about him as he's being kept
> | out of the limelight.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | But Microsoft has kept the boss's movements out of the public eye
> | and a spokeswoman said "we are not letting any media in" to watch
> | today's speech. Instead, a video recording of the speech will be
> | uploaded for journalists to watch after the event.
> | 
> | Microsoft confirmed the video would be edited but would not say
> | if the editing was done for aesthetics reasons or to conceal
> | certain comments from the public.
> `----
> http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/dont-mention-the-broadband/2007/05/25/1179601632521.html?s_cid=rss_technology
> Related:
> Steve Ballmer may have said something interesting; we couldn't possibly
> comment...
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | A non-report from the third and final day of Microsoft's BI
> | conference
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | Then you start to muse on the meaning of secret. Would you share a secret 
> | with 2,590 strangers? Indeed, if you share a secret with 2,590 strangers, 
> | is it still a secret? What is the sound of one hand sharing a secret in a 
> | wood?
> `----
> http://www.regdeveloper.co.uk/2007/05/12/microsoft_bi_three/
Would that be a reference to "Woody", the Debian distro?

Not "A Woody" that you can get just from thinking about it...

Everyone I know is now converted to safe, secure, upto 50X faster,
GNU/Linux!  The kids love http://pclinuxos.com and http://www.mepis.org
that are some of the 310 FREE distros at  http://livecdlist.com which
are immune to the multiple convicted Microsoft's "114,000 Microsoft
Virus Definitions".

Also, Linux users are not forced to be party to the "multiple convicted
multiple felon, liar, thief, pirate, Microsoft Trusted Partner"
PROTECTION RACKET!  Microsoft has so many things in common with the
Mafia, that it is a wonder they haven't been charged under the RICO

Anyone else would have been, by now...

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