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[News] [Rival] Customers Get Stuck with an Operating System They Do Not Want

Microsoft makes it hard to downgrade Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| System integrators are up in arms, incandescent and the rest,
| because Microsoft hasn't made it easy for them to downgrade the
| Vista OS to Windows XP.
| According to CRN US, Microsoft is aware of the problem and trying
| to fix it.


Where is our Vista upgrade? 

,----[ Quote ]
| Not just delivery times are affected - the whole process has been
| shambolic, as credit cards have been refused, proof of purchases
| have been disappearing, and orders have been cancelled for no
| reason. Similar tales of woe appear all over internet forums. 
| Whilst we haven't had too many problems, the huge wait is
| hardly acceptable.


This whole mess might encourage a lot more people to make room for a second
partition (Linux).


Don't downgrade to Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is using the catchphrase "The 'Wow' starts now" to market
| Vista, their new operating system. There is, however, nothing
| awe-inspiring about this software.


Windows Vista Gaming Performance Reports

,----[ Quote ]
| First is the fact that Vista is not going to be an OS for an ultimate
| gaming machine anytime soon. This is something that you should
| consider before you throw a bunch of cash at a new computer and
| then pick up Vista along with it.


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