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[News] [OSS] Microsoft Does Not Accept Any Competition, Gets Told Off

Memo to William Gates III: chill out

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft will have to learn to live with its Office rivals, writes Garry 
| Barker.
| [...]
| Instead of spending $700 or so for a shrinkwrapped copy of Office, a 
| business might pay a few cents to use an online word processor for a 
| day, and back up the files on Google's mammoth servers.
| The idea is that software should be generic and operate on any
| platform. It should be interoperable.


Your guide to the web's best freebies

,----[ Quote ]
| What's the catch? There isn't one. In some cases, the programs are
| stripped down, yet they are still capable editions. There's also
| software that was created as part of the "open source" movement
| in which the program's digital DNA, called the source code, is
| made freely available for others to modify and share. Sometimes
| it's just a programmer's welcome dollop of goodwill.


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