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[News] [Rival] Is Microsoft Using More Vile Tricks to Force DRM and Lockin?

Macrovision infects Windows Media Center

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft probably did this to bribe the cable operators into giving
| it access to encrypted television, though it's possible (and legal)
| to record their shows without permission by using the analog outputs
| (like the Neuros OSD and mythtv, a DIY Linux-based recorder)



Apple Users Petition Prime Minister

,----[ Quote ]
| UK Apple users are petitioning the Prime Minister Tony Blair over the
| BBC's decision to make streaming media available to Windows users
| only. The BBC plans to launch an on-demand tv service which uses
| software that will only be available to Windows users.


Microsoft Tells Apple To Stop Complaining About DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| "At the same time I wouldn?t go as far as Steve Jobs did and suggest
| that everything is the fault of the record labels," added Smith.
| "People who produce content and who own the rights to that content
| deserve the opportunity to make their own decisions about how theyw
| ant to provide that content to the public," added Smith.


Microsoft: We Like DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| Steve Jobs wants the music business to drop restrictions for digital
| tunes. But Microsoft, which began competing head to head with Apple
| in the digital music business last fall, is happy with the way things
| are, says media exec Robbie Bach.


Why Microsoft will fight for DRM

,----[ Quote ]
| In a DRM-free world Windows Media formats are basically dead.
| Online stores locked out of the iPod because of FairPlay. Will
| not choose to lock themselves out by using only Windows Media if
| they use it at all. I think it?s obvious that the people at
| Microsoft know that. When the number one MP3 player will never
| support your format, Microsoft is left with a lot invested in
| something that won?t amount to much. The only way Microsoft
| can save its investment in Windows Media is to have a DRM
| Windows Media player that is a run away success. This is why
| Microsoft will not join with Apple in calling for a DRM-free
| world. They need DRM so they are going to fight for it.


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