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[News] [Linux] First (?) Review of the Final PCLinuxOS 2007

Review: PCLinuxOS (PCLOS) 2007 Final

,----[ Quote ]
| This is solid progress for PCLOS. There are things that can and need to
| be improved to make some aspects as easy as *ubuntu but for the mostp
| art, here is a distribution that most users should be happy with...
| Even you don't think the features are particularly amazing, the
| visuals make for a stunningly crisp distribution.



PCLinuxOS passes Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| Interesting tidbit of information...amidst all the hype about Ubuntu and 
| Dell PC's...the little distro that could has marched up to the #1
| spot for the span of 7 days.


Google hosts as Ira Hyman introduces PC LinuxOS

,----[ Quote ]
| I must confess, I had never used Linux before, and it never crossed
| my mind to use it in the near future. Like many people I was using
| Windows for years, brought up with the system. Using it at University,
| using it at the library, using it at home. It's right there everywhere
| you go. Ira Hyman, speaker of the night and Director of Product
| Development at The Linux Loft, a Manhattan based company, advocated
| for people to use PCLinuxOS, one of the many distros Linux has,
| tried to convince people to take a closer look at this piece of
| Linux-art.


PCLinuxOS - "The Distro Hopper Stopper" & "Viable Windows Substitute"

,----[ Quote ]
| Okay...I have finally made the switch to PCLinuxOS (PCLOS) & have been
| VERY impressed so far.  I'm running the latest release, PCLinuxOS 2007
| TR4.  TR4 stands for Test Release 4 and is the fourth & final test release
| of PCLinuxOS 2007.


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