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Re: [News] [Linux] Preservation of One's Rights and Freedom with Linux

__/ [ [H]omer ] on Monday 21 May 2007 12:28 \__

> Verily I say unto thee, that Jamie Hart spake thusly:
>> Basicly, I already do that with computers, I buy parts and build my own
>> sans OS, then install an OS that I can legally use anywhere, on any
>> computer and on as many computers as I care to.
>> Why would anyone think that's a bad idea?
> Because is doesn't line Billy and Stevo's pockets.
It's best to ignore him. He's a Microsoft PR guy and he does not belong here.


i just happened to notice that you spent some text debunking my old 'friend'
bill weisgerber [amicus_curious] last spring.

i went around with bill (& a host of other paid2post shills) on a nytimes
forum for over 3 years. despite being exposed for what/who they were/are,
they just would not quit their mindless pr firm hypenosys. at that time, the
nytimes was quite supportive of their charade. what a blight.

just anecdotal.

best regards, 


                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Ping this IP, see if it collapses" --Windows TCP
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