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[News] Documents Revealed Which Show WIntel's Sabotage of $100 Laptop Project

Watch the following video:

OLPC on 60 Minutes


Negroponte says Intel should be "ashamed of itself" 

,----[ Quote ]
| He is furious that Intel's CEO Craig Barrett called the One Laptop a
| gadget. The Negroponte initiative is caught in the middle of a vicious 
| fight between AMD and Intel, he said.


Nicholas Negroponte shows documents proving that Intel is
pressuring certain governments to not sign with OLPC and they also use their
money to prevent mass production of OLPC. It's the same tactic they use to
hurt AND. They engage in price wars that AMD cannot stand. Watch the
references below. They try to get the children 'addicted' to a $3 Windows
bundle. Still driven by greed.

What If Every Child Had A Laptop?

,----[ Quote ]
| Nicholas Negroponte, a professor at MIT, had a dream. In it every
| child on the planet had his own computer. In that way, he figured,
| children from the most impoverished places -- from deserts and 
| jungles and slums could become educated and part of the modernw
| orld. Poor kids would have new possibilities.


Corporate greed hurts children and developing nations. Well done.


One Laptop Per Child - Production Delays Caused By Microsoft, Intel?

,----[ Quote ]
| I sincerely hope that no matter what the people who are running the
| OLPC project decide, that their project will continue and not get
| bogged down in a play of corporate greed and ambitions.


Intel Settles Legal Dispute in China

,----[ Quote ]
| In 2005, a unit of Shenzhen Donjin countersued, saying Intel engaged
| in monopolistic practices.


,----[ Quote ]
| That software effort does not have the support of Mr. Otellini, who
| is concerned about incurring Microsoft's wrath, the executive said.
| The two companies have a long history of tension over who controls
| the hardware and software direction of the "Wintel standard." Intel
| has said it is supporting both operating systems.


Governments Must Reject Gates' $3 Bid to Addict Next Billion PC Users 

,----[ Quote ]
| "Microsoft's strategy of getting developing nations hooked on its
| software was clearly outlined by Bill Gates almost a decade ago," said
| Con Zymaris, CEO of long-standing open source firm Cybersource. 
| Specifically, Bill Gates, citing China as an example, said:
|   "Although about 3 million computers get sold every year in China, but
|   people don't pay for the software," he said. "Someday they will, though.
|   As long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours.
|   They'll get sort of addicted, and then we'll somehow figure out how to
|   collect sometime in the next decade."[1]


Intel's anti-trust memos started vanishing from the top

,----[ Quote ]
| Chairman Craig Barrett, CEO Paul Otellini and sales chief Sean Maloney
| have appeared on a list of Intel employees thought to have deleted 
| e-mails possibly relevant to AMD's anti-trust lawsuit against its
| larger rival. The missing e-mails have thrust a livid state of mind
| onto AMD's lawyers who have very serious problems with Intel's
| rather lax document retention policy.
| [...]
| CEO Otellini appears to have been one of these troublesome employees.


Merrill: Intel's More Interested In Crushing AMD Than Improving Margins

,----[ Quote ]
| They think that Intel is a lot more interested in reducing AMD to
| its former status than in showing much gross margin improvementt
| his year.


U.S. judge orders Intel to try to recover e-mails

,----[ Quote ]
| Farnan gave Intel 30 days to recover as many of the missing e-mails
| as possible and to draw up a report on the steps it is taking to do
| so, Mulloy said.


AMD: Intel Destroyed Evidence in Antitrust Case

,----[ Quote ]
| In an unpublished statement to the U.S. District Court of Delaware,
| AMD alleges Intel allowed the destruction of evidence in pending
| antitrust litigation.


Microsoft dirty tricks, part two (Bob Cringely)

,----[ Quote ]
| "So the outside vendor was Hewlett-Packard, one of Microsoft's
| hardware OEMs, which is to say Microsoft's bitch.
| The tape disappearance was blamed on HP, which  accepted the blame,
| and the employees directly involved kept expecting there to be
| repurcussions, especially legal ones.  They expected to be deposed by
| Burst lawyers.  But it never happened.
| This was, for Microsoft, a perfect ending. ..."


Video: Henri Richard comes out swinging at Intel during AMD press conference

,----[ Quote ]
| [AMD's Henri Richard:] "I am sick and tired of being pushed around
| by a competitor that doesn't respect the rules of fair and open
| competition."


Intel says it's appealing $2.2 billion tax hit from IRS

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel Corp. said in a filing to the Securities and Exchange
| Commission that it's appealing a ruling by the Internal Revenue
| Service over a tax benefit for export sales. If the IRS prevails,
| Intel could take a $2.2 billion plus interest hit on its federal
| income tax due 1999 through 2005.


Investors sue Dell on payments from Intel: WSJ

,----[ Quote ]
| An investor lawsuit seeking class-action status accuses Dell Inc. of
| improper accounting in its relationship with chip giant Intel,
| according to a media report published Thursday evening.
| [...]
| The suit alleges that Dell received at times as much as $1 billion
| a year in "secret and likely illegal" kickbacks in the form of
| "e-Cap" or "exception to corporate average pricing" payments"
| from Intel to ensure that Dell used no other chip supplier,
| according to The Journal.


Lenovo got financial help from Intel, claim 

,----[ Quote ]
| Journalists on the title said Lenovo is being paid a "pretty
| penny" from Intel to use its chips.


EU antitrust experts seek charges vs Intel-source

,----[ Quote ]
| The Commission has been investigating chip-maker Intel for six years
| to see if it acts unfairly to keep its dominance over rival Advanced
| Micro Devices.


Henri Richard: AMD's bad guy

,----[ Quote ]
| At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Richard, at a
| breakfast meeting, did his duty again. He said the Intel Inside
| program and other marketing promotions Intel has used over the
| years have killed profitability for PC makers.
| "The industry was saddled with a very successful marketing
| program that sucked all of the profit out of the industry," he
| said. In China, PC makers can avoid these programs and "not
| become a hostage." 


AMD bemoans Intel's benchmark presentation 

,----[ Quote ]
| "All I want is a level playing field where we are just talking the
| truth. I've never met a chief information officer that wonders
| what the nanometre [scale] in his processor is. They don't care,
| they don't want to care, " said Richard.


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