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[News] [Linux] Microsoft Goes Rambo III, But Linux Wins

Microsoft vs. Open Source: Military Moves

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest moves by Microsoft, however, give them away. Stripped of
| their proxies, their moves are now more clearly understood to be
| essentially military. You are the civilians caught between
| Microsoft's lawyers and their quarry.
| [...]
| If there was ever a case for open source software, dear readers, this is 
| it.
| This is clearly an act of desperation, yet an act from a perceived position 
| of immutable power. Having worked with animals, I can tell you these can be 
| truly dangerous circumstances.


Microsoft Opens Pandora's Box

,----[ Quote ]
| If the next version of the GPL blocks Microsoft from collecting
| royalties from the distributions then it's back to collecting
| from major Linux users. Parloff asked Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer
| if he's prepared to sue his own users à la SCO and the record
| industry.


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