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Re: [News] Server Goes Off the Desktop, Prices to Fall

Linonut wrote:

> * Roy Schestowitz fired off this tart reply:
>> Software-licensing costs predicted to fall
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Gartner also predicts that a fourth of all new business software will be
>>| delivered by software as a service by 2011.
>> `----
>> Gartner: SaaS and open source pressuring proprietary software vendors to
>> drop prices
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Of course, it's going to take a long time to topple decades of wasteful,
>>| inefficient software practices, but we'll get there. Maybe it will take
>>| decades. But eventually customers will win
>> `----
> Sooooo!  How much software do youuuu want to buy?

I spent a fortune on software this year. I paid for StarOffice on a new
machine. It was nearly £30. (puts flat cap on floor and wait for

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