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Re: If msft were to cease operations today...

____/ Mike on Thursday 15 November 2007 21:35 : \____

> If msft were to cease operations today:
> Disadvantages:
> Advantages:
> 1) About $50 Billion/year would be freed up for consumers to spend more
> productively
> 2) The court system would be relieved of a huge burden
> 3) Standardized formats would be created and shared freely
> 4) Careers in software would once again regain prestige (as opposed to
> the contempt that msft has brought upon the industry)
> 5) Real innovation would return to the software industry (without the
> threat of being sued by msft or having IP commandeered by its
> monopolistic tricks)
> 6) Linux would flourish (even more than it already is)
> That's off the top of my head, I'm sure there's others...

The following was published (and became popular) some months ago.

2007: a world without Microsoft?

,----[ Quote ]
| The disappearance of Microsoft and Windows would leave a massive
| vacuum in the computing industry - who would be able to take 
| advantage and slip into the gap? Who would benefit the most?
| [...]
| Linux is already offering alternatives to Microsoft, and would
| easily rush into the gap.


Worth a look.

If you speak to governments about ceasing operations at Microsoft, you're
essentially talking to people who were 'hired' by Microsoft. The rest of the
world also has to deal with the 'ecosystems', which is hard also (watch the
attacks on Kroes and her commission). There's a lot of pressure and barrier to
break through. It becomes a struggle between greed and the nation's real

                ~~ Best of wishes

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