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[News] Linux Gains Support and Features in Devices

  • Subject: [News] Linux Gains Support and Features in Devices
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:21:00 +0000
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Network security device adds WiFi, runs Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| A Taiwanese network-appliance system integrator announced a wireless network 
| security appliance that runs Linux.  


High-end NPUs gain third-party backer

,----[ Quote ]
| The cards are based on IXP28xx NPUs running MontaVista Linux, and come with 
| tools aimed at letting developers use C/C++ and normal development techniques 
| to program the IXP28xx chips' MicroEngines. They are used telecom 
| infrastructure equipment and high-end data processing equipment.    


MPC: Windows CE and Linux support for 32-bit SuperH MCUs

,----[ Quotw ]
| The Linux BSP has been developed as part of MPC Data’s ongoing support for 
| embedded Linux on the SH family of controllers and processors.  



Linux loyalty runs high among embedded software developers, says VDC

,----[ Quote ]
| Looking ahead, 87% percent of Linux users plan to use Linux in their next 
| project. In both cases, use of free distributions outnumbered use of paid 
| distributions by a sizable margin.  


Linux to grow 278% in embedded/mobile/real-time apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux use in "next" embedded, mobile, and real-time projects will grow 278 
| percent over that in "previous" projects, suggests a recent survey by Venture 
| Development Corp. (VDC).   


Where does Linux go from here?

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux and free software are here to stay. No single commercial firm will ever 
| control the Linux ecosystem like Microsoft has the rest of the software 
| industry. Though both may prosper, the bazaar will outlive the boardrooms, 
| and Linux popularity will continue to grow on servers, desktops, appliances, 
| and embedded devices.    


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