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Re: [News] 50,000,000 Desktop GNU/Linux Users Already?

"7" <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:nk1_i.46376$c_1.31890@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

50,000,000 Desktop GNU/Linux Users Already?Desktop OS- Vista vs. Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| Okay, now lets tie this all back in together. Novell claimed several
| months back in a video ad that Desktop Linux users accounted for upwards
| of 30,000,000 different people. That's 30 million. Recent statements
| made by some Novell representatives indicate that they expect there are
| upwards of 50,000,000 Desktop Linux users. Microsoft has never contested
| the number of Desktop Linux users, and if anything the deal Microsoft
| signed with Novell was tacit agreement that Microsoft believed those
| numbers to be accurate.

Is that more than 7% of all desktop users? If so, Linux desktop has gone

At least 1 million new Linux desktops a month being added to the count
and increasing the rate all the time.

And so stealthy too! All these users not showing up on the website counters and such! Microsoft is being blindsided into thinking that nothing much is going on. Are you sure you should be spilling the beans?

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