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Re: Foul Play at Microsoft's Sister (Departement of Justice))

On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:29:10 +0000, Doug Mentohl wrote:

> Erik Funkenbusch wrote:
>> On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 14:03:37 -0800, dapunka wrote:
>>> If they don't trust the escrow process and the independent examiners, they can refuse the electoral authority a software license.
>> Well, that's basically what's happening, since their lobbying was not effective  ..
> No it's not what happened. What happened was Microsoft tried and failed 
> to dilute laws that would protect the electoral system against abuse.
> It was only after failing to corrupt the system that they refused the code.

No, Duh!g.  That's not true.  Look at the dates of the articles.  Hint:
they're in reverse order, but I wouldn't expect you to be able to figure
that out with your limited cognative ability.

The article titled "Micorosoft says - We won't escrow" is dated April 16,
2007.  The article titled "Microsoft Muscles the NYS Legislature" is dated
June 16, 2007.

Now please, try to explain how April comes after June, Duh!g.

Why don't you stop desperately flailing around trying to find arguments you
clearly aren't capable of intellectually making.  Logical thought is
clearly not your strong point, Duh!g.

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