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[News] [Rival] Microsoft Analyst: Windows Live is Going Nowhere

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Analyst: Windows Live is Going Nowhere
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 05:04:15 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Blodget Bludgeons Windows Live to Death

,----[ Quote ]
| In March, I asked, "Who shot Windows Live?" Microsoft's Online Services group 
| was profitable right up until the month of the rebranding to Windows Live 
| from MSN. After November 2005, the division's profit nose-dived off a cliff. 
| Meanwhile, Google and Yahoo lazily graze on the plateau above.   
| [...]
| Microsoft is trying to please everybody and perhaps pleasing nobody. Extremes 
| are often better than shades of gray. Who likes bland? I wonder if the Online 
| Services group would do better with lots more risk and a lot less consensus.  


There was an executive exodus not so long ago.


Is the Microsoft "Live" Brand DOA?

,----[ Quote ]
| I've written before that the confused Microsoft "Live" brand is an
| unholy mess, costing the company millions of dollars. Now it looks
| as if Microsoft may kill the brand, or at least take away its life
| support.


Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows
| Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources
| close to the company.


Microsoft Search Leader To Leave Company

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. vice president who led the company's push into
| Internet search is leaving the software giant as the effort he
| helped launch loses ground against lead competitor Google Inc.


Microsoft's Futile Attempt at Search Engines

,----[ Quote ]
| An article in Seattle-Post Intelligencer displays a graph showing the
| growth and number of queries of Google and Microsoft, as well as Yahoo.
| The most apparent conclusion that can be drawn from this picture is
| that Microsoft can not start a battle with Google until it defeats
| Yahoo first. Bill Gates? company trails Yahoo by nearly a billion
| queries. Yahoo has also shown growth over the past couple of years,
| while MSN/Live search has stagnated and floundered under 700 million
| queries.
| Microsoft?s inability to gain a significant market share, despite a
| growth in the market of over 3 billion queries in the past two years,
| just typifies how the company has shown little inability to shoo
| away the gnat that has become a real nuisance in Google. 


Friday roundup: Troubles in Microsoft Live land

,----[ Quote ]
| It hasn't been such a great Friday for the Live teams over at Microsoft.


Software Notebook: Microsoft falls further behind in Web search

,----[ Quote ]
| "If I looked at this, and I were a Microsoft executive, I would
| definitely be concerned that MSN is not showing nearly the kind 
| of growth that Google and Yahoo are," said Matt Rosoff, an analyst
| at the independent Directions on Microsoft research firm.
| The statistics demonstrate the ongoing struggle that Microsoft
| faces in Web search. The situation is notable in part because of
| the ad revenue that hinges on the number of people using a
| particular search site.


Microsoft profit on slide

,----[ Quote ]
| Some analysts are looking for any signs of improvement from
| Microsoft's internet division, which continues to lose market
| share in web search to Google.
| Microsoft's online services group saw revenue fall for the last
| four quarters and posted a loss in the past three quarters while
| it shifted to a new internet advertising platform and overhauled
| the company's web properties.


Is Windows Live dying?

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last year, Microsoft's Windows Live service lineup has
| grown exponentially. At one point months ago, it seemed clear
| that every service Microsoft brought online would fall under the
| Live brand, but lately the trend seems to be moving slowly in
| the opposite direction. What's happening to Windows Live?


Windows Live Shopping no more - MSN Shopping to remain

,----[ Quote ]
| From today Windows Live Shopping beta will be taken offline, with users
| being sent to MSN Shopping, available at shopping.msn.com. 


Sources: Several Windows Live Projects Halted

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's Windows Live desktop search project has been
| shelved "indefinitely," although not much reasoning has been
| given as to the reason for its demise.


Office Live: Better Off Dead?

,----[ Quote ]
| Last month I killed Office Live in an act of self defense, after
| repeated access problems and attempts to move my domain to another
| registrar. Judging from the comments to that post, there's an Office
| Live killing spree going on. Not surprisingly, Microsoft wants to put
| an end to the wanton killing.


Connecting the dots on Windows 7

,----[ Quote ]
| I would have asked one more follow up: Was Gates hinting that
| Microsoft will build more of its currently standalone Windows
| Live services right into the operating system?



Where Should Vendors Stick Their Services?

,----[ Quote ]
| Wondering if you noticed the news over at Microsoft Watch this week
| that Microsoft has done what many considered inevitable: Started
| using Windows as a way to hawk Windows Live Services?
| It's not too surprising to me that Microsoft is splashing all over
| its Welcome to Vista screen (at least in one of the latest Vista test
| builds, No. 5506) promotional links, inviting users to download Windows
| Live Messenger, Windows Live OneCare, Windows Live Mail Desktop, and more.
| But I was surprised the Redmondians would be so bold as to actually
| embed Windows Live Messenger into Vista. After all the antitrust
| lawsuits Microsoft has been slapped with here, there and everywhere ?
| many of which have focused on its "innovative integration" (a k a,
| bundling) strategies, you'd think they'd be a little more cautious.
| With the actual Windows Live Messenger code (not just a download link)
| being integrated right into Vista, I think Microsoft might be really
| going out on a limb. When backed into a corner before about its
| integration strategy, Microsoft's defense was that removing any of
| the integrated components (Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player,
| etc.) would break the OS. But if Vista test builds have been working
| just fine (well, middling, maybe, based on some not-so-happy tester
| comments) without Windows Live Messenger, how can Microsoft make a
| case for it being part of Windows?


Microsoft rivals file second European complaint

,----[ Quote ]
| ...Microsoft was preventing access to Vista's programming interfaces
| and hindering the development of compatible products, thus repeating
| anti-competitive violations the commission had identified three
| years ago in a previous operating system.


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