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Re: Linux is just hard-disk pollution!!!

____/ [H]omer on Saturday 20 October 2007 12:02 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers
>> $350 million to MediaNews
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
>> | those involved in the deal didn't even know he was one of the investors.
>> | It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
>> | philanthropy outfit.
>> `----
>> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=33849
> This is the most damning example IMO. Charities are not banks, they
> should not be abused as money laundering operations bribing for media
> bias, but apparently that /is/ one of the Gates Foundation's objectives.

I had a chat with my mom the other day. She told me how Gates was a successful
man  who was kind enough to find time to help poor people. She must have been
brainwashed by some of the media outlets, such as those mentioned above.

Mr. Gates has identified two /cycles/:

        1. The money cycle: avoid paying the money to authorities though taxation.
           Open a 'charity', dump your fortune there, give some to poor people
           and essentially pay poor people instead of governments that lack 
           money to pay the poor anyway. With such money-laundering cartel, no 
           wonder Warren has jumped on board too. Seen or read the "Perfect 
           Crime"? How about Robber Barons?

        2. The brainwash cycle: spend money on media, which gets people to believe              
           Gates is a Saint. Then, people pay money for Microsoft products 
           without any guilt involved. This money can then be used to prolong            
           the cycle of abuse and the Foundation is positioned in the middle 
           of this. The Foundation is a medium that ensures money flows in 
           thanks for brainwash and then ensures the brainwash lives on. 
           Microsoft continues with its crimes while a fat-cat media turns a 
           blind eye and praises Gates.

Well, I thought about this on the spot, so I'm sure there are more cycles
involved. Pyramid schemes are a funny thing. The sad thing is people's
ignorance. To Microsoft, most people are as stupid as Microsoft needs them to
be, journalists are as greedy as Microsoft needs them to be, and politicians
are as corrupt as Microsoft needs them to be.


                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |  INQredible Hacktivism
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