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Re: [News] Mark Shuttleworth Wants Open Source to Win, Linus Claimed to be Somewhat Apathetic

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 19 October 2007 15:22 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ 7 on Tuesday 16 October 2007 23:19 : \____
>>>> Why can't he be vocal like Shuttleworth?
>>> Linus stated often enough that he doesn't care.
>>> Whereas the freedom movement does.
>>> There is nothing inherently wrong - its just a case of listening
>>> and asking the right persons to do the right things.
>>> If you care about free software, you go to Stallman.
>> To be fair, he /did/ slam the patent FUD, but all the mess higher up in the
>> stack he is totally uninvolved with.
>> Probably APIs in his head, not Linux news...
> We can't all do everything.

Yes, he's doing the right thing. I said this before. Let him do what he does
best. As he said once (not exact quote, because I can't recall), "think of me
(Linus) as the engineer and of Stallman as the great philosopher."

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | GNU is Not Universal (begin recursion)
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