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Re: [OT] Predicting the unpredictable

High Plains Thumper wrote:

> 7 wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> [H]omer on Thursday:
>>>> Computer Software to Predict the Unpredictable
>>>> .----
>>>> | Amigan writes "Professor Jerzy Rozenblit at the University
>>>> | of Arizona was awarded $2.2 Million to develop software to
>>>> | predict the unpredictable
>> I worked out a really clever algorithm which I intend to
>> patent to predict the unpredictable.
>> First make an unpredictable prediction. Then add 2. Put
>> everything into envelopes and put in a box. Now add another
>> envelope containing a predictable unpredictability. Now
>> subtract 2. Now reach into the box and remove the predictable
>> unpredictability envelope. And now you are left inside the box
>> an envelope with your unpredictable prediction!!!!
> I think it would be easier to patent a "hanging chad" algorithm.  :-)

You must have mis-understood something.

OK Right! I know what it is!!!

To use this system properly and effectively,
you must not open the letter until
your predicted unpredictability has come true.

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