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[News] Linspire and Xandros Defectors Craft Own Distro and Reach Beta

  • Subject: [News] Linspire and Xandros Defectors Craft Own Distro and Reach Beta
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 09:31:25 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
KlikIt-Linux 0.1-7B

,----[ Quote ]
| KlikIt Linux is based on Kubuntu 7.04, taking advantages of many of its best
| features, and then adds its own touches such as many multimedia options that
| are either built in or available with a couple of clicks from the desktop,
| making it fun to interact with just like the KlikIt community. 



The Little Engine That Could

,----[ Quote ]
| I was as upset about this deal as many others were. I even had a phone call 
| with Kevin Carmony regarding the matter. 
| Well, at one point on the forums, Kevin Carmony told some upset members that 
| if they did not like the way things were, they can start their own distro and 
| see how it goes. So, former Freespire Leadership Board member Chris Medico 
| assembled a team, of which I was honored to be asked to be a part of, which 
| he lovingly calls Freedom Force. Within weeks, this new project, based on 
| Kubuntu, had an Alpha. The project is called KlikIt Linux.     
| We decided community is as important, if not more important, than technology.
| Anyway, within a short time our community grew to 50, then 100, then more. It 
| has not grown by us marketing. It has been organic word of mouth in Microsoft 
| Software forums, Xandros Foums, Linspire, PCLOS, Mint, Kubuntu, etc. The word 
| keeps spreading, people like it, and they like the community.   


Tomorrow GPLv3 is Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Mr. Carmony asked a question, will Linux split in two factions? The answer 
| is no. Some Linux distros will limp along a while and then die off, 
| because they misunderstood what folks want when they choose GNU/Linux 
| and FOSS. You can see that already. Red Hat, which refused to sign any 
| such deal, is flourishing, for example. It's not about code that "just 
| works". Apple offers that already. It's the freedom. And we've proven 
| willing to put up with some temporary frustration in order to get it. 
| In time, FOSS will win, and all those proprietary codecs and everything 
| else will be made available on pleasanter terms, because market share
| does that.


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