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Re: First Linux patent suit filed

____/ Jeanette on Friday 12 October 2007 07:24 : \____

> spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Handover Phist <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>>> Jeanette :
>>>> http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20071011205044141
>>>> The first shot in a long war to stop Linux?
>>>> Hold on this could be a long one
>>> And interesting as hell! How many companies will die in the name of
>>> killing Linux? How many puppets can MS buy before they litigate
>>> themselves?
>>> We live in interesting times.
>> So... They're suing REDHAT... for having the gall to use window managers
>> capable of using multiple desktops and/or multiple displays sharing the same
>> desktop?
>> How long has unix had X11 again?
>> This patent was filed in 1987 (and granted in '91), it must've existed
>> before then?
> Novell is named also.  So much for the patent protection they got
> back doored

This was predicated at some stage. Microsoft would use proxies to attack Novell
and get around their 'special' deal.

                ~~ Best of wishes

everytime you say things like this i just think of that cult of people
who send around .doc files. i dont want to communicate with people who
talk in .doc format, but they do not wish to use something else, so
they discredit those without word. --Ed, c.o.l.a.

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