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Re: Castrated For Linux? Is this guy kidding?

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> ____/ Mark Kent on Wednesday 10 October 2007 08:31 : \____
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> ____/ spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx on Saturday 06 October 2007 22:14 : \____
>>>> Gazwad <argos.staffed.by.twats@xxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, the hoary-old-gypsy and
>>>>> ulcerated fribble who likes wretched groping with marmosets, and whose
>>>>> partner is a take-out-hooker with a toxic cod canal, wrote in
>>>>> <1463058.dr8Idfu7aX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>>>> ____/  right.wanger@xxxxxxxxx on Saturday 06 October 2007 02:43 : \____
>>>>>>> These Linux nutcases get stranger by the day.
>>>>>>> This one tops the list!
>>>>>> Still nymshifting, Gary Stewart (flatfish), and posting lies linking to
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> lies that you 'planted' in the Web under my identity?
>>>>>> You really want that lawsuit for libel, don't you?
>>>>> So you still have your nuts?
>>>>> Is the fact that you're a kiddie fiddler a lie too?
>>>> Roy... I think you know that dignifying that with a response will only goad
>>>> the trolls to further slanders/libels.
>>>> I say just ignore them, it's clear which ones are sockpuppets and which
>>>> ones are you. You don't need to reply to every single one of the fuckers
>>>> saying it's a fake.
>>> Thanks. The issue is that I go on vacation this Tuesday and the trolls can
>>> do all kind of s**t on the Web while I'm not watching. I'll have to enable
>>> moderation in the blogs, for example, because they have flooded them before
>>> (days ago).
>> Perhaps we should go back to digitally signing posts again?
> Not sure if this would help...
> Scott/Gary tried accessing the site (with malicious intents) a couple of days
> ago (at the least).

Gary is a very sad character, seeking to disrupt in order to gain
attention.  I remain convinced that he needs medical help.

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
| Cola faq:  http://www.faqs.org/faqs/linux/advocacy/faq-and-primer/   |
| Cola trolls:  http://colatrolls.blogspot.com/                        |
| My (new) blog:  http://www.thereisnomagic.org                        |

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