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Re: Dell CEO: Linux server sales increasing

____/ Rick on Tuesday 16 October 2007 01:11 : \____

> "Faster than Windows products, apparently..."
> I guess Dell is fairly happy about Linux sales ...

Not "faster". "Much faster". As a whole.

Server sales turn vendors into very happy bunnies 

,----[ Quote ]
| X86 server sales generated 50 per cent of factory revenue for the first time, 
| growing 16 per cent year on year. Sales of Windows servers grew by 14 per 
| cent annually but Linux revs were up 34 per cent.                  ^^^^^^
`----                                  ^^^^^^


Red Hat's growth last quarter was this:

Red Hat profit rises on 42 percent revenue hike

,----[ Quote ]
| Red Hat distributes open source Linux software and charges 
| companies a subscription to provide updates and other technical support.


It rose even more shraply in their last report.

There's a direct relation between the level of Microsoft (and proxies) FUD and
the level of Linux growth. Just wait until the EU ruling kicks in. Linux will
then /really/ start jumping.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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