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[News] Linux Already "Mom-friendly", But "Caveman-friendly" is the Goal

  • Subject: [News] Linux Already "Mom-friendly", But "Caveman-friendly" is the Goal
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2007 02:22:04 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
It's time to retire the mom test

,----[ Quote ]
| One of the more humorous ad series today is the Geico "caveman" commercials, 
| featuring a caveman complaining about the stereotype of something being "so 
| easy a caveman could do it."  
| [...]
| I'm not saying that anyone is deliberately trying to insult women by talking 
| about the mom test, but it is time that we deliberately take steps to remove 
| the phrase from our active lexicon.  



Linux for your grandmother?

,----[ Quote ]
| I’m going with Kubuntu (my favorite desktop) although Opensuse is really nice 
| for newbies to understand. Also, if you are going to try this project please 
| use the OpenDNS servers for DNS so kids don’t end up on the wrong sites.   


The 10 Commandments for Windows Users

,----[ Quote ]
| 1. Thou shalt not use the system without expecting a random reboot
| make sure you back files up, nothing quite like an unexpected reboot caused 
| by windows updates. 
| [...]


Making My Grandparents Leet Linux Users - Part 2

,----[ Quote ]
| Thunderbird, along with Firefox, are overkill for most Grandparents. Simpler 
| applications would be easier to use. Epiphany is a good Firefox replacement, 
| but I am not familiar with any other lighter-weight email clients.  


Cutting the Velvet Chain

,----[ Quote ]
| *Ed does what the "safe mode" help screen tells him to do. He finds and calls 
| the number. 
| *Ed stays on hold for 73 minutes using a toll number because he was told the 
| hold time on the 800 number would be 30. 
| *Ed reaches a tech support agent for his system and is asked a string of 
| questions no casual computer user can answer. 
| *After 49 minutes on the phone with the tech support agent, he is told that 
| his system is broken and he must reinstall. 
| *Ed dutifully holds while he is transferred and then reaches someone who 
| convinces him that Vista is indeed his solution. 
| *Ed dutifully goes to CompUSA to purchase Microsoft Vista.
| *Ed finds a sales person and inquires about Vista.


Making My Grandparents Leet Linux Users - Part 1

,----[ Quote ]
| It was time for a new computer for my Grandparents. Their ancient Windows 98 
| PC had become so slow that it was unusable. The replacement, an inexpensive 
| Acer PC, came with Windows Vista preinstalled. It was up to me to set up the 
| new computer and support it. So I decided to wipe out Vista with a Debian 4 
| base install and set up an easy to use environment for my Grandparents. In 
| this multi-part series I will tell you about how I did it, starting with my 
| reasons for choosing Linux over Vista.      


Grandpa Gets a Dell with Ubuntu Linux Preinstalled

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm very happy with my computer. I feel the price was reasonable, and the 
| service was good. In fact, Dell appears to have gone to the "Scotty school of 
| engineering" -- project how long you expect a project to take, then double 
| the time. Then, when you come in under that time, you look like a whiz.   


Ubuntu for your grandmother.

,----[ Quote ]
| They say its for geeks, they say its for nerds, they say its for those
| whose pinkie finger has the imprint of the enter key tattooed on it. We
| say its for your grandmother ! Yes my friends, I kid you not, for all
| of those who are afraid to dip their little toe into the great Linux-Lake
| let us reassure you : If your grandmother can do it ? So can you. Before
| we start , let me clarify : We are not talking about turning your
| Linux machine into a clustered database server with SQL, PHP, Apache,
| Samba and what have you. We are talking about the advantages of using
| Linux .. as a desktop.


Desktop Adapted for Dad

,----[ Quote ]
| I set my father's computer up with a GNU/Linux operating system. One
| basic feature of Linux is that each user has their own login to the
| system, and normally you do not login to the system as the super-user.
| This limits what my father is able to do on the system as he is not the
| super-user. To my surprise my father was delighted that he was restricted
| in that way, because then he knows that he cannot break the system by
| accident.
| To conclude I would say that my experience with my father and other
| inexperienced computer users convinces me that the modern desktop software
| is not obvious but that with basic training it is very easy to use. I
| firmly believe that anyone can use a computer, but it is essential that
| users have a properly configured desktop suitable for their use, as one
| size does not fit all.


When will we hear the end of computer quacks?

,----[ Quote ]
| So why beat the dead skunk again? Check it out: Don Norman discovered
| command line interfaces! And he's about to take his discovery to the
| press! Yes, he thinks this is an original discovery all his own.
| [...]
| I can't wait until Microsoft invents apt-get so he can fawn over it next...


Geek to Live: The command line comeback

,----[ Quote ]
| The advent of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) forever
| revolutionized personal computing. A windowed system with point
| and click icons made computers usable for anyone who couldn't deal
| with a black screen and a prompt waiting for arcane textual commands.
| But in recent years, this enormous interface change is coming full
| circle. Amongst power users - and more and more, regular Joe's - the
| command line is making a comeback in modern web and desktop
| applications.


Who needs the command line? (Well, actually, we all do)

,----[ Quote ]
| "We'll always have Paris", Humphrey Bogart said to Ingrid Bergman
| in the iconic climax of Casablanca - and we will always have the
| command line. Here's looking at you kid!


Death of the command line

,----[ Quote ]
| It's hard for me to imagine using an OS without a strong command line.
| Even Microsoft has recognized the for that with their Monad Shell
| (though they are at least temporarily removing that from Vista). Linux
| of course has its Bash shell, Mac OS X has Terminal (which now defaults
| to Bash) - everybody knows you need a shell.


You use Command Lines all the time and don't know it!!!

,----[ Quote ]
| Man, the heat Linux catches over command lines! The flames! The trolls!
| The clueless screaming for help! And all the while, command lines are
| right under your nose the whole time! Yes, even on the most mousy,
| GUI-driven, WIMPy, point-n-drool interface, whether it be Macs or
| Microsofties, you're typing commands into prompts every day!


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