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[News] Windows Vista Leads to Great Linux Momentum

  • Subject: [News] Windows Vista Leads to Great Linux Momentum
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 07:30:36 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Solutions Providers High Five Fast Growth Vendors

,----[ Quote ]
| Hart sees the Linux open source momentum continuing with wider possible 
| adoption of Linux on the desktop. "It has already taken place on the 
| backend," he said. "As a professional services company we are hopeful Linux 
| and open source on the desktop is going to be a growth opportunity like 
| identity management."    
| Data Technique has already been successful deploying a wireless-based Linux 
| open source desktop solution for an 800-student private school in St. Louis. 
| That project was green lighted in part because of significant cost savings 
| verus a Microsoft solution.   
| Hart said he sees a big fast growth opportunity doing head-to-head 
| comparisons with Microsoft's Vista. "The Vista hardware requirements are cost 
| prohibitive when you have desktops and laptops out there that are past 
| schedule on a refresh already," he said. "The fact that companies that 
| already have Linux in house and are looking at a Vista refresh may fuel Linux 
| desktop adoption."     



Broken Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Not since Windows ME or Mac OS X 10.0 have I observed a more troubled 
| consumer operating system. This is a difficult post to write, because I 
| really don't want to beat on Microsoft about Vista yet again.  


3 moments in Vista that make me consider Linux

,----[ Gist ]
| 1. Explorer crashing over and over and over and over and over again
| 2. Included software being criminally rubbish
| 3. The DRM is getting me down.


Linux vs. Windows - All You Need to Know

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux already powers everything from supercomputers to mobile phones. Google 
| runs more than 10,000 Linux servers. Amazon.com switched to Linux and saved a 
| cool $17 million. The French National Assembly has started using Ubuntu on 
| more than 1,000 computers. Since the blockbuster movie "Shrek," the 
| DreamWorks studio has been using Linux to render its 3-D graphics and special 
| effects.     
| [...]
| Windows Vista
| What's best about it?
| Everything looks sharper and more vivid than it does on the outgoing Windows 
| XP. The new Flip 3D application helps you quickly switch between the 
| different windows, and the search features have been greatly improved, too.  
| What's worst about it?
| Six months after it launched, gripes continue. Many people still complain 
| that they can't run their favorite programs on Vista, so many others are 
| holding off upgrading from XP until a second edition of Vista arrives.  
| How much does it cost?
| Around Pounds 180 ($365) for the home Premium edition (Pounds 120 -- or 
| $243 -- if you have XP already). If you want all the bells and whistles, go 
| for the Ultimate edition at around Pounds 320 ($648).  


Linux VS Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| Is Linux missing a window of opportunity by not allowing proprietary software 
| to run on it natively? Vista for one has not been selling good for Microsoft. 
| To many complaints about how much resources it uses and how much it cost. Not 
| to mention compatibility with both software and hardware.    


Windows Vista: Five Broken Promises  

,----[ Quote ]
| I'm willing to put up with all those headaches, certainly more so than Jim 
| Louderback. But there were several things I was really looking forward to in 
| Vista that are simply missing in action or broken.   


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