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Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Ruling on Monday Could Affect Other Abusive Monopolies

Hadron wrote:
> "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> writes:
>> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>>> Microsoft ruling could raise flags for Apple, Google, Intel
>>> ,----[ Qoute ]
>>>> An epic battle between Microsoft (MSFT) and the European Union
>>>> takes an important turn Monday, when a court is set to rule on
>>>> whether the software giant is a dangerous monopolist or the victim
>>>> of overzealous regulators. `---- 
>> Let's see if we can make it a hat trick - ISO rejection of OOXML, SCO
>> chapter 11, and convict the Microsoft gangsters.
>> Then on the positively charged side of the coin, we have AMD
>> open-sourcing their drivers, IBM throwing their weight behind OOo and
>> ODF, and the news from ZDNet that Open Source is currently booming.
>> What a great week!
> And all down to your's and Roy's paranoid delusions of grandeur as you
> post your vile diatribes and hateful, spiteful articles here.

That's what passes for Linux "advocacy" around here.

But don't forget the guiding hand and spirit of Rex Ballard.  With a click 
of the Send button, his glorious posts to newsgroups and mailing lists drive 
the IT industry to new heights.

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