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[News] [SOT] More Evidence of Fraudulent Industry (Microsoft is Part of It)

  • Subject: [News] [SOT] More Evidence of Fraudulent Industry (Microsoft is Part of It)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2007 12:33:28 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Netscape / schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Electronics Cos. Spent $380,000 Lobbying

,----[ Quote ]
| The Consumer Electronics Association spent $380,000 lobbying the federal 
| government in the first half of 2007, according to a disclosure form. 


Unsurprisingly, Microsoft and Apple get a mention.

Toshiba says subpoenaed over flash memory

,----[ Quote ]
| That comes after Toshiba's U.S. partner, SanDisk, said on Friday it and its 
| chief executive had received grand jury subpoenas indicating a government 
| probe into possible price-fixing in the NAND flash memory industry.  



Tech Companies Paid Lobbyist $200,000

,----[ Quote ]
| Over 60 companies and trade associations, including Microsoft Corp. and Apple 
| Inc., have formed the Coalition for Patent Fairness, which paid Patton Boggs 
| to lobby Congress in support of patent reform legislation, according to the 
| form posted online Aug. 9 by the Senate's public records office.   


Electronics Group Spent $1M on Lobbying

,----[ Quote ]
| The American Electronics Association's board of directors includes executives 
| from Intel Corp., Microsoft Corp., Varian Medical Systems Inc. 


Google, Microsoft-backed group ready to Defend Fair Use

,----[ Quote ]
| Earlier this month, the Computer & Communications Industry Association filed 
| a complaint with the FTC alleging that professional sports leagues, Hollywood 
| studios, and book publishers were all using copyright notices that 
| misrepresented the law.   


Microsoft trying to derail Google/DoubleClick deal by lobbying congress

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has hired lobbying firm Patton Boggs LLC to do work on "competitive 
| issues surrounding Google/DoubleClick [sic] merger." 


Politics and tech companies: follow the money


Changing the Report, After the Vote


Microsoft's 'Men in Black' kill Florida open standards legislation

,----[  Quote
| It was just a bit of text advocating open data formats that was slipped into
| a Florida State Senate bill at the last minute with no fanfare, but within
| 24 hours three Microsoft-paid lobbyists, all wearing black suits, were
| pressuring members of the Senate Committee on Governmental Operations
| (COGO) to remove the words they didn't like from Senate bill 1974. 


Politicians in Microsoft's Pocket

,----[ Quote ]
| Continuing on the theme of which politicians are receiving money from 
| who. Here is a list of candidates who took money from MSFT.


Bill Gates to address Senate panel

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates is scheduled to descend on Capitol Hill
| next week to pepper a U.S. Senate committee with his suggestions for
| boosting American competitiveness.


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