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[News] Google's Android (Linux) Runs on Nokia's Internet Tablet

N810 Android, anyone?

,----[ Quote ]
| A website has published instructions on how to install Google's Android Java 
| stack on real hardware with ARM926 and later cores, running Linux 2.6.23 and 
| later kernels.   


Android on OMAP

,----[ Quote ]
| This page collects information about and guides you through the installation 
| of Google's Android on TI's ARM based OMAP SoCs. 
| [...]
| Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating 
| system, middleware and key applications. See Google's What is Android? page 
| and Benno's What is Android? and What Android isn't page for more details 
| about Android.   



Announcing XFCE on the IT

,----[ Quote ]
| Another b-e-a-utiful compiliation from Penguinbait. XFCE is now available for 
| the Internet Tablet (Yes, the N770 and N800!).  


KDE on the IT

,----[ Quote
| KDE and all it's supporting programs have been compiled for the Internet 
| Tablet, and it works b-e-a-utifully. I've installed this sucker on my N770 
| and it purrs like a kitten, believe it or not ;)  


Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| As a media player it plays MP3's and other audio formats through surprisingly 
| good sounding speakers for their size, or headphones. It plays MP4 and 
| RealVideo videos, and youtube.  


Review: Nokia N800 now with Skype

,----[ Quote ]
| While I enjoyed using the Nokia N800 prior to the firmware upgrade, once 
| having Skype installed made the unit made the Nokia N800 an almost 
| indispensable tool carry around. Having the ability to make phone calls 
| anywhere in the world from any location that has wireless internet was neat. 
| Furthermore with a SkypeIn plan you can easily receive phone calls from just 
| about any place in the world that has wifi. The addition of having Skype made 
| the Nokia N800 a near cellphone like device.      


First look: Skype for the Nokia N800 Internet Tablet

,----[ Quote ]
| Not only was there an updated version of the Linux-based Internet Tablet OS 
| and significantly-improved hardware, but Nokia also promised us a 
| fully-functional Skype client for the N800. Nearly six months after the 
| tablet's launch, the Skype client has finally arrived.   


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