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[News] A Look at SliTaz Linux (25MB) and VectorLinux SOHO 5.9 (Lightweight)

Introducing SliTaz Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| The Live CD starts with a boot prompt in French, with a little information 
| about the default username and the password. From there, the CD will 
| automatically boot in 3 seconds if you don't press the Enter key and in about 
| 1-2 minutes you will be asked to choose your desired language, keyboard 
| layout and screen resolution. Immediately after you have chosen the desired 
| resolution, a nice login screen will appear. Login with username hacker and 
| password root. You will enter in the lightweight JWM (Joe's Window Manager) 
| window manager.       


VectorLinux SOHO 5.9 Preview LiveCD Launched

,----[ Quote ]
| The VectorLinux team launched a LiveCD version of the DELUXE SOHO edition for 
| their distribution. The VectorLinux SOHO 5.9 Preview LiveCD is offered for 
| free so everyone can try the product – VectorLinux DELUXE SOHO – before 
| buying it. The developers want to make sure that the upcoming DELUXE SOHO 
| edition works on everyone's hardware.    



Damn Minuscule Linux: A First Look At SliTaz 1.0

,----[ Quote ]
| But if you’ve an old laptop gathering dust under your desk, and you’re 
| looking for an interesting, fun project SliTaz is a great choice. 
| There’s a solid base to it, with well-chosen default software and a 
| reasonable downloadable selection to complement it, all wrapped up in a 
| mini-marvel of a distro.  
| Give SliTaz a try – you won’t be disappointed, and its cleverness will make 
| you smile. And that’s a promise! 


SliTaz 1.0 on 450Mhz K6-2, 256Mb

,----[ Quote ]
| This is easily my favorite live CD now. I admire DSL for being versatile and 
| fast, and I do like the way Puppy Linux has evolved. But it’s hard to beat a 
| pretty, usable, complete system that ducks under the 25Mb mark, and does it 
| so well. Fatter distributions (and I’m thinking of Xubuntu, et al., here) 
| would do well to notice how much can be done with so little.    


First look at SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0, the smallest desktop distro on earth

,----[ Quote ]
| I haven't been this impressed with a new Linux distribution for a long time. 
| A compact package with basic applications, a web server and web development 
| tools, an excellent package manager, remastering utilities and good 
| auto-configuration scripts - all in a 25 MB download. What more can one need? 
| While SliTaz GNU/Linux is unlikely to satisfy every user's needs, the project 
| is a great testament to the old saying that good things come in a small 
| package. It is also a tribute to the infinite versatility of Linux and free 
| software. Give SliTaz a try, you will like it!       


A quick look over SliTaz 1.0

,----[ Quote ]
| The bottom line? I liked SliTaz for its extremely low system requirements, 
| and I particularly liked the package manager.  


SliTaz GNU/Linux, the Smallest “Desktop” Distro Ever Created

,----[ Quote ]
| “At 25 MB, it has to be the smallest desktop distro ever created”. These were 
| the words of Ladislav Bodnar in the most recent issue of Distrowatch Weekly 
| when he announced this fresh and minuscule distribution as a new addition to 
| the waiting list. Its name is SliTaz, and I was so intrigued about it that I 
| tried it out.    
| [...]
| After having extensively used SliTaz GNU/Linux 1.0, I can honestly say that 
| it is a highly capable distro with a bright future ahead. It is ideal for 
| rescuing a broken system, and even for full desktop usage especially when 
| employed on older computer machines since it is fast and ultra-lightweight. I 
| just hope that those minor bugs that I’ve encountered will be fixed by the 
| next release version. Despite those slight troubles, I’m keeping my SliTaz 
| GNU/Linux LiveCD just in case. DSL should watch out, because this new distro 
| on the block is surely here to stay.       


VL64-5.9-beta1 Is released

,----[ Quote ]
| The VectorLinux team is pleased to announce the first public beta release of 
| VL64-5.9-beta1.  



VectorLinux 5.9 - Will It Be Pandemic?

,----[ Quote ]
| With seven stable releases  of VectorLinux Standard Gold edition  under their 
| belts, the developers  of VectorLinux  have released the  much-awaited 
| VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold edition on the 21st of December 2007 to the joy 
| of many Vectorians.   
| [...]
| Overall, VectorLinux 5.9 Standard Gold is a very functional release. It looks 
| a lot better than the previous version. I did not encounter any major 
| glitches during the testing. It was a delightful experience seeing the faster 
| boot time of VectorLinux 5.9, as compared to  VectorLinux 5.8. The softwares 
| seem snappier and more stable than the ones in version 5.8 too!    


VectorLinux-5.9 standard final GOLD is under the tree!

,----[ Quote ]
| The VectorLinux development team is proud to announce the release of 
| VectorLinux 5.9 final GOLD edition. 


Vector Linux 5.9-Pseudo64-0.1 -- Finally, 64-bit Vector

,----[ Quote ]
| There’s a 64-bit version. There has never been a 64-bit version of Vector 
| Linux before. To me this is one more essential step towards Vector Linux 
| being taken seriously as a major distribution.  


VectorLinux - The Pefect Installation and Setup

,----[ Quote ]
| The  VectorLinux Website is promising: “Speed, performance, stability -- 
| these are attributes that set VectorLinux apart in the crowded field of Linux 
| distributions. VectorLinux is a lighterweight, fast, Linux operating system 
| for Intel-AMD x86 compatible systems and is based upon Slackware, one of the 
| original Linux distributions…”    
| Linux-Tip was testing the installation and usage of version 5.8 (Standard 
| Gold). 


Review: Vector Linux 5.8 Standard Edition 

,----[ Quote ]
| Overall I'd rate Vector Linux as a very high quality distribution that easily 
| gains a spot on my short list of highly recommended distributions for new and 
| experienced users.  I give the developers huge props for creating a 
| distribution that takes one of the most powerful and complex distributions in 
| the world (Slackware) and turns it into a new users dream desktop.  This is 
| even a distro I would feel comfortable giving to my own mom, and that's 
| saying a lot.      


Vector Linux 5.8 SOHO - A Review

,----[ Quote ]
| Those looking for a fast and powerful Slackware-based distribution, be sure 
| to check out this latest 5.8 SOHO installment of Vector Linux. 


VectorLinux 5.8 live CD GOLD final and SOHO-5.8 live alpha1

,----[ Quote ]
| The VectorLinux team is proud to announce the release of VectorLinux
| 5.8 GOLD LIVE CD and the first SOHO-5.8 alpha live CD and DVD. 


VectorLinux SOHO: A better Slackware than Slackware

,----[ Quote ]
| I've always admired VectorLinux for offering what I consider a 
| better Slackware than Slackware. It's beautiful and functional,
| and would work well for me in my home office. On the desktop it
| is an excellent distribution with no real problems.


VL-5.8 standard final is under the tree. Merry Christmas!! 

,----[ Quote ]
| The Vector developement team is proud to announce the release of Vector
| Linux  5.8 Standard final, code named "Santa" (Merry Christmas!). This
| is the fruit that has resulted from several months of coding, debugging
| and testing by the core developement team and the Vector community.


Review: VectorLinux 5.8

,----[ Quote ]
| I found VectorLinux to be an attractive OS for those who just want
| to browse the Web, watch DVDs and other video formats, and perform
| basic word processing.


New Release of a Cool Canadian Distro: Vector Linux 5.8

,----[ Quote ]
| Conclusion
| Once you have Vector Linux installed, configured, and customized
| to your needs it?s an absolute pleasure to run. It?s fast and sleek
| and well thought out. Some features, such as those for managing
| WiFi connections and removable hardware, are absolutely second
| to none...


First look at VectorLinux 5.8 SOHO

,----[ Quote ]
| VectorLinux is a distro that I tested only a couple of times before,
| but I was very impressed with the system. Then, as now, it was a
| pretty, complete, and stable alternative to heavier or more
| complicated offerings. It dresses up Slackware and adds needed
| functionality, yet remains true to the Slackware tradition.


Vector Linux - Chaucer's Beautiful Hag

,----[ Quote ]
| I installed Vector Linux on an ancient HP vectra, a PII-450MHz box with
| 192MB RAM. 


Vector Linux Environmental Stewards 

,----[ Quote ]
| I would like to extend my thanks and complements to everyone involved in
| making Vector Linux adaptable, flexible and user friendly. My Lions Club 
| sponsors a Computers for Kids program where we refurbish surplus computers, 
| load Vector as the OS
| [...]
| I don't claim to be a Linux expert or evangelist. We are just trying
| to give underprivileged kids in our community access to world class
| technology and a level playing field.


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