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Re: [Roy Schestowitz proves he lacks any real form of logic] Microsoft OOXML Fiasco in Norway: 6-7-Person Committee Grows to 30 (was: [News] Microsoft OOXML Fiasco in Norway: 6-7-Person Committee Grows to 30)

____/ chrisv on Monday 07 April 2008 19:23 : \____

> Fuddie wrote:
>> Oops, You didn't really think that through, did you?
> You should be the LAST person in here to be talking about anyone else'
> "lack of logic", "security is binary" boy.

I don't know what 'Duddie' said, but there's no justification for the modified
subject line. Follow the link and judge for yourself.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    $> wget -r -erobots=off http://www.*
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