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[News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Works' for Chinese Crackers Again, China Protesters Against Western Propaganda

  • Subject: [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Works' for Chinese Crackers Again, China Protesters Against Western Propaganda
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 20 Apr 2008 04:18:09 +0100
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.4
Chinese Blogs Detail Zero-day Flaw in Microsoft Works

,----[ Quote ]
| Chinese-language blogs are detailing a zero-day vulnerability in Microsoft 
| Works, the company's lower-end office productivity suite, according to 
| security vendor McAfee.  


Hackers Cancel Attack on CNN

,----[ Quote ]
| Pro-China hackers had called for the attack in protest of the news network's 
| coverage of Tibet, which they believe has been overly critical of China. 
| Participants had been instructed to flood CNN's Web site with Internet 
| traffic in hopes of knocking it offline, something known as a distributed 
| denial of service (DDOS) attack.    


I took a pamphlet from similar protests at the BBC yesterday. Many can
sympathise because there's serious daemonisation in the media, but that's
nothing new. The news also celebrated a nuclear holocaust after bombs had been
dropped on "the Japs" ("Them"). Also new:

GSM researcher stopped at Heathrow by UK government officials

,----[ Quote ]
| I was leaving today from the United Kingdom/Heathrow airport. I am about to 
| speak at the HITB IT security conference about GSM security and the USRP 
| (gnu-radio project).  
| I was searched by the UK government while waiting at the Gate and reading a 
| newspaper. A UK Government employee flipped his badge and said "Let's talk. 
| Come over here".  



Exploit Code Surfaces For Microsoft Works Vulnerability


Microsoft: Critical patch goes missing

,----[ Quote ]
| Busy day for IT departments but key fix goes AWOL


Microsoft dishes out six critical updates

,----[ Quote ]
| They all focus on flaws in the programs that could allow remote code 
| execution. Affected systems are those running Windows XP, Windows Vista and 
| Windows Server 2003  


Microsoft fixes 17 flaws in 11 patches; 6 are 'critical'

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft on Tuesday released its February 2008 security bulletin, which 
| includes 11 bulletins, six of which are deemed "critical" by Microsoft, while 
| five are deemed "important." One bulletin, suggested in the advance notice 
| posted Thursday, failed to be released Tuesday.   



Microsoft quietly tackles known Wi-Fi flaw

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft has quietly posted an update found here. The update
| prevents a Windows wireless client on a laptop from advertising
| its preferred wireless network list to the world at large.
| But the update appears to leave open the larger problem, which
| is having your laptop connect to a criminal rogue access point
| with the same default name as one of your preferred home networks.


Vista SP1 will contain undocumented fixes

,----[ Quote ]
| Interesting email in today mailbag:  “Will SP1 contain undisclosed or 
| undocumented security fixes?” 
| For some people, counting the number of security flaws that one OS has 
| compared to another is important because it offers a metric upon which to  
| determine which OS is the most secure (personally, I feel that it’s a bogus 
| metric, but I’ll let it slide for now).  However, many claim that Microsoft 
| stacks the deck in its favor by not disclosing a full list of vulnerabilities 
| that have been patched by omitting to include those discovered and patched 
| in-house.      


Critical Vulnerability in Microsoft Metrics

,----[ Quote ]
| This is a small subset of all the vulnerabilities, because the 
| vulnerabilities that are found through the QA process and the vulnerabilities 
| that are found by the security folks they engage as contractors to perform 
| penetration testing are fixed in service packs and major updates. For 
| Microsoft this makes sense because these fixes get the benefit of a full test 
| pass which is much more robust for a service pack or major release than it is 
| for a security update.      



Skeletons in Microsoft’s Patch Day closet

,----[ Quote ]
| This is the first time I’ve seen Microsoft prominently admit to silently 
| fixing vulnerabilities in its bulletins — a controversial practice that 
| effectively reduces the number of publicly documented bug fixes (for those 
| keeping count) and affects patch management/deployment decisions.   


Beware of undisclosed Microsoft patches

,----[ Quote ]
| Forget for a moment whether Microsoft is throwing off patch counts 
| that Microsoft brass use to compare its security record with those 
| of its competitors. What do you think of Redmond’s silent patching 
| practice?


Microsoft is Counting Bugs Again

,----[ Quote ]
| Sorry, but Microsoft's self-evaluating security counting isn't really a 
| good accounting.
| [...]
| The point: Don't count on security flaw counting. The real flaw is 
| the counting.


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