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[News] ODF and KOffice Get Boost; OpenOffice.org Eats Microsoft in Europe

NLnet Gives KOffice a New Logo and Sponsors ODF development

,----[ Quote ]
| The Dutch NLnet foundation aims to financially support organisations and 
| people that contribute to an open information society. Some time ago they 
| decided to help KOffice in two exciting ways: to sponsor the design of a new 
| logo for KOffice, with matching logo designs for all KOffice applications, 
| and to sponsor Girish Ramakrishnan to improve the ODF support in KWord 2.0. 
| The KOffice team is deeply grateful to NLnet for this support!      


Microsoft and the open source community

,----[ Quote ]
| If we look at OpenOffice.org, the three markets where the open source office 
| suite is competing most successfully with Microsoft Office are probably 
| Germany, France and Italy, followed by other European markets like Spain and 
| the Netherlands. In Italy, where I have the updated numbers, we are hitting 
| today - maybe while I’m writing this post - one million downloads since 
| January 1st, 2008 (over 350.000 since the announcement of OOo 2.4 in late 
| March). Although we don’t have Microsoft figures for Office 2007, we estimate 
| a maximum of 1.8 million licenses sold in 2008.       
| I already know the reply: “You can’t compare licenses with downloads…”. Of 
| course, gentlemen, but do you really think that one million downloads in 
| slightly over one hundred days (at an average of over 9,200 downloads per 
| day) still equals to a few thousands users? Do you really think that a small 
| bunch of people, just the same small bunch of people, can get all these 
| downloads? Come on, we’ve other stuff to do. Please, be realistic. We’re 
| eating your pie, quickly. We’re hungry.      


When Microsoft's cash cow is dead, Microsoft is on a life support machine. It's
already trying subscription (project Albany), which is just some miserable
attempt to treat the west like developing (3rd world) countries where
Microsoft experimented with the idea. Works (with ads) is a useless dud also.


Raikes Steps Aside

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is shuffling its executive ranks, with today's surprise 
| announcement that Jeff Raikes, president of the Business division, will leave 
| the company. Uh-oh. He's not the only executive on the way out the door.  
| Raikes departure will have huge impact on Microsoft as it completes its 2008 
| fiscal year on June 30. His division is one of two responsible for nearly all 
|                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Microsoft's profits.   
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


BE, NL: governments will not use ISO OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| Asked to comment on last week's ISO approval for OOXML, Fedict's chief IT 
| architect, Peter Strickx, said: "There will have to be multiple 
| implementations, in order for us not to become dependent on a single vendor. 
| It will also have to be compatible with open standards that we already use, 
| in this case Open Document Format ODF."    


DE: German Foreign Ministry will not use ISO OOXML

,----[ Quote ]
| In the weeks prior to the second round of votes last September, 
| irregularities were reported in the standard committees in many participating 
| countries. These claims  continued until after the final discussion, in 
| February and March this year.   
| The European Commission has started an investigation into the allegations. 
| The Commission sent a letter to all EU national standards committees in 
| Europe, requesting information about the process. Sources at the Commission 
| declined to comment, as the investigation is on-going and no official 
| position has yet been adopted.    


Just a coincidence?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to Davide Dozza, Chairman of Associazione PLIO: "The numbers are 
| exactly the same. If it's just a coincidence, it's a very strange one. 
| Downloads of the Italian version of OpenOffice.org were 800.000 in 2006 and 
| 1.800.000 in 2007: the difference is exactly in the million of Italians 
| that - according to Microsoft - have downloaded the trial version of Office 
| 2007. We think that these users have decided to switch to OpenOffice.org as 
| soon as they have realized that the effort to get used to the new ribbon 
| interface is higher than the effort to migrate to the open source suite. In 
| 2007, the majority of information requests has been about the compatibility 
| with Windows Vista, and the trend stays unchanged in 2008".         


German penal institutions looking into OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| It looks like that OpenOffice.org is also being used in areas where many of 
| us don't expect it, or wouldn't research for. I have reports that some German 
| penal institutions are looking into OpenOffice.org for their daily office 
| work.   


[German] Federal Employment Office switches to Linux


French police deal blow to Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| The French paramilitary police force said Wednesday it is ditching Microsoft 
| for the free Linux operating system, becoming one of the biggest 
| administrations in the world to make the break.  


German county adopts OpenOffice.org

,----[ Quote ]
| According to this German article, the German county "Friesland" is adoption 
| open source including OpenOffice.org. OpenOffice.org will be installed on the 
| majority of the client systems.  


German ERP software vendor adds OpenOffice.org support


German portfolio analysis software supports OpenOffice.org



Sun Adds New Twinkle to StarOffice, OpenOffice

,----[ Quote ]
| Roughly 1 million copies of OpenOffice.org are downloaded per week, not 
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| including distributions through vendors such as Google, Herring said.  


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