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Re: [News] Adobe and MSBBC Continue to Snub Microsoft's #1 Rival (GNU/Linux)

____/ Mark Kent on Thursday 17 April 2008 15:11 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Homer on Thursday 17 April 2008 14:33 : \____
>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Mark Kent spake thusly:
>>>> I suspect that had the BBC spent its £130 millions on distributing
>>>> mythtv boxes around the UK, it would've been a far more effective use
>>>> of the money, than shovelling it at Microsoft to produce the iPlayer
>>>> proprietary P2P system, and eating ISP bandwidth which is *not* paid
>>>> for by the licence-fee.
>>> Didn't Ashley "pack your bags" Highfield suggest using the Neuros OSD at
>>> one point? Not that it would've been much used to him, since it isn't a
>>> closed system and it doesn't support his beloved DRM.
>>> http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/bbcinternet/2008/01/ip_to_tv_your_comments.html
>> Neuros OSD gained some fame for an anti-DRM stance and logo.
>> That alone could make Microsoft's knees buckle.
> Perhaps not as fast as their balance sheet, though...

Nearly there in an overdraft-ish (a loan actually) of over 20 billion dollars,
if the mafia wins an aggressive proxy war against Yahoo's current board.

                ~~ Best of wishes

Microsoft: a device for converting public ignorance into cash
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