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[News] [Rival] RIAAware/MPAAware as Integrated Part of Proprietary Software

NBC to Apple: Build antipiracy into iTunes

,----[ Quote ]
| NBC Universal would like to have its TV shows distributed once again through 
| Apple's iTunes service, a top executive said Wednesday, but he called for 
| antipiracy measures to help protect his business' revenue.  


That's just the danger of using software that does not trust you, by design,
and cannot be changed either.

It's not only a waste of computing resources but also the route to false


RIAA boss: Move copyright filtering from ISPs to users’ PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| The issue of encryption "would have to be faced," Sherman admitted after 
| talking about the wonders of filtering. "One could have a filter on the end 
| user's computer that would actually eliminate any benefit from encryption 
| because if you want to hear [the music], you would need to decrypt it, and at 
| that point the filter would work."    


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