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[News] 3 GNU/Linux Distributions Released, One of OpenSolaris

EnGarde Secure Community 3.0.19 Now Available!

,----[ Quote ]
| Guardian Digital is happy to announce the release of EnGarde Secure Community 
| 3.0.19 (Version 3.0, Release 19). This release includes many updated packages 
| and bug fixes and some feature enhancements to the EnGarde Secure Linux 
| Installer and the SELinux policy.   


14 April 2008 : Stable LiveCD & LiveUSB 0.3.6-7 are available !

,----[ Quote ]
| We are happy to announce that the new version of the officials LiveCD and 
| LiveUSB are available! 


sidux-seminarix 2008-01

,----[ Quote ]
| sidux e.V. is pleased to present to you today the first version of 
| sidux-seminarix here for download. This is a educational project that merges 
| Seminarix with the base of sidux. Seminarix is aimed at schooling teachers as 
| well as pupils with free and open software to make computer training in 
| schools less costly and more effective.    


BeleniX 0.7 Released

,----[ Quote ]
| After a long gap and lots of things happening behind the scenes, we are 
| pleased to announce the availability of BeleniX 0.7. This release marks a 
| considerable change in the evolution of BeleniX. You can download it here. 
| The Screenshots page has also been updated.   


GNU tar 1.20

,----[ Quote ]
| I am pleased to announce the release of GNU tar 1.20.




,----[ Quote ]
| When someone says a recent Linux Distro is 100 times better than another 
| recent Linux distro, I worry a little that schism has lead to computer 
| religion. Taken on its face, examined rationally, you have to ask "how can 
| that be?". They all feed off the same kernel stock, and pull in the same sets 
| of office projects and same GUI projects and so forth.    


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