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Re: Microsoft supports 'open-source' ..

____/ Doug Mentohl on Monday 14 April 2008 18:29 : \____

> "business customers resist open-source software because it often lacks
> basic tools and features that business customers expect"
> "SpikeSource also focused on delivering some of the lesser-known but
> important features that provide functionality that users expect in
> Windows-based software... Shadow Copy .. the Windows Installer ..
> single-sign"
> "The Windows platform helps us to provide a better overall user
> experience with the opensource solutions"

SpikeSource is a leech. It has become some Intel-Microsoft-funded company that
exploits other people's Free software and tries to buy love from Microsoft and
Intel. SpikeSource used to work with Sun and Linux, but it's obviously serving
as a batsman for the dark side now. This puts its statements in the right

                ~~ Best of wishes

"Linux is a very complete and sophisticated operating system. And there is a
lot of work being done to improve it in and of itself, particularly to make it
easier to use and easier for people to set up on their personal computers."
                        --Paul Maritz, senior vice-president, Microsoft

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