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Re: [News] Linux Journal on Microsoft/Novell Backstabbing

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Should We Boycott Microsoft? Can We?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Except that it's not quite that simple. Microsoft's vision of ?live and
> | let live? is predicated on its continuing use of software patents, and
> | of the open source side letting Microsoft and Novell handle all the
> | tiresome implications for open source. In effect, though, this amounts

Novel management is just bum boy for micoshaft and they are turning
SuSE developers into rent boys that do as they are told, not as they
are required to do in the spirit of open source.

Just tried installing 'Open' Suse on virtual box.

Those fscking chair throwing hairless hippies from micoshaft
have told SuSE developers to fcsk with Virtualbox.

So they take all the benefits of free and open source software
and those fscking wankers deliberately engineer their
distro to not work virtual box?????

Come all you rent boys in SuSE, surely you have something
better to do than work for bum boys from novel management?

No venture capital company would refuse you if you should
down tools and fork SuSE and set up a direct competitor
to SuSE and micoshaft.

> | to recognising Microsoft's patents, and accepting its ?solutions? for
> | the open source community. ?Live and let live? turns out to be
> | tantamount to accepting Microsoft's right to file, own and use software
> | patents, which, in its turn, means accepting they apply to the open
> | source world.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | Above all, it will send a message to the company that the open source
> | world is not falling for the old ?embrace, extend and extinguish? trick,
> | and that if Microsoft really wants collaborate, "live and let live" is
> | simply not enough, because of the asymmetric bargain it implies. As a
> | basic pre-condition of working together with open source, the company
> | needs to accept free software's absolute foundation ? the ability to
> | share all its code in any way and with anyone ? and that, by definition,
> | means no software patents whatsoever.
> `----
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/should-we-boycott-microsoft-can-we

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