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[News] Linux Outgrows Male Stereotype

Girls Love Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| If you think that Linux is only "for the boys", then think again. Did you 
| know that there are women-oriented Linux communities that are created to 
| provide both technical and social support for women Linux users? The most 
| well known among them is called LinuxChix, and I’m not kidding. To know more 
| about LinuxChix, I have collected some interesting facts about them so read 
| on.     
| LinuxChix was founded in 1998-99 by Deb Richardson, who was a technical 
| writer and webmaster at an open source consulting firm. Her reason for 
| founding LinuxChix was to create an alternative to the "locker room 
| mentality" of other Linux User Groups and forums.   


Many kernel hackers are female too (see photo below).


Kernel Summit: customer panel and group photo

,----[ Quote ]
| Also, for all readers, [it] is the obligatory group photo, available in 
| medium resolution, full resolution, and full resolution annotated forms. 


[Fwd: [Announce] 5th Linuxchix Brazil Conference]

,----[ Quote ]
| Based on the encouragement and inclusion of women in the Free and Open
| Source Software movement, but united by the ideology, Linuxchix Brazil is
| a large and highly active chapter of Linuxchix.


Linuxchix New Zealand set up

,----[ Quote ]
| Women who like Linux now have a community organisation in New
| Zealand to support them: LinuxChix NZ. 


Linuxchix Australia Expands

,----[ Quote ]
| An Australia-wide chapter of LinuxChix has formed, for women 
| living in Australia who are interested in Linux and Free Software.


SCALE 5x: Women in Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| "It was excellent, but I came with, I suppose... a little bit of
| fear that nobody was going to show up. I've dabbled with the
| idea of having similar thing at a conference that I run called
| the Ohio Linux Fest," she told me. "I absolutely feel inspired by
| this. I wondered for quite some time as to how I made the shift --
| of being able to walk into this community and feel that I would
| be accepted rather than just sit down very shyly and figure that
| I wasn't going to be accepted. I do now feel like a welcomed
| member of this community."


Portrait: LinuxChix Brazil's Sulamita Garcia

,----[ Quote ]
| A lot of people have bemoaned the lack of women participating
| in open source communities, but Sulamita Garcia is one of the
| few who have stepped up to do something about it. A Slackware
| user from Florianopolis, Brazil, Garcia has been heading up
| LinuxChix Brazil for four years.
| Garcia has been involved with Linux and open source software 
| since 1999, when she was at university finishing a computer
| science degree and was tasked with testing asynchronous transfer
| mode (ATM) cards in a Linux system.


GNU/Linux distro for women? Why not?

,----[ Quote ]
| Let's face it: As Tim Berners-Lee pointed out recently, the male geek culture 
| can be an intimidating place. Hell, it still intimidates me sometimes, since, 
| although I'm male, my degree was in English and communications rather than 
| computer science. You only have to browse the archives of a mailing list for 
| LinuxChix or any other woman's group to encounter horror stories. 
| Experienced, qualified women finding their opinions ignored, women unable to 
| attend a professional gathering without being hit upon, misogynistic slurs -- 
| the list goes on and on (and you'll probably see some examples of such things 
| in the comments about this story).        


Linux distro for women? Thanks, but no thanks

,----[ Quote ]
| The idea is floating around again: Let's make a special Linux distribution 
| for women! We're smarter than that, aren't we? I say, let's spare ourselves 
| and the world yet another pointless and less-than-useful version of Linux.  


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