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[News] Keith Bergelt Leads Effort Against Patent Trolls Targetting Linux

Bergelt takes on new role but Paradox Capital keeps on trucking

,----[ Quote ]
| I essentially manage a fund for some of the largest and most influential 
| players in global technology - IBM, NEC, Sony, RedHat, Novell, & Philips - 
| whose purpose is to enable the Linux ecosystem and shield it from patent 
| attacks by patent trolls and others whose business models might be 
| antithetical to true innovation and, by their nature, are opposed to truly 
| facilitating work through rapid advancements in IT and communications 
| technologies and applications.      



Opinion: behind the Acacia suit

,----[ Quote ]
| It's a neat structure. Pump money into Acacia so it can attack Red Hat, and 
| at the same time prove to the world how strong the Microsoft patent shield 
| really is against those naughty, naughty trolls.  
| If this works with Acacia, perhaps we can expect a scaled-up attack by 
| Intellectual Ventures on Linux users like Google and IBM. 


Who is the world's biggest patent troll?

,----[ Quote ]
| In two consecutive days, The Wall Street Journal presented two different 
| answers. The first is not surprising: Intellectual Ventures, the brainchild 
| of ex-Microsoft executive Nathan Myhrvold. It's now out "to raise as much as 
| $1 billion to help develop and patent inventions, many of them from 
| universities in Asia."   


Cyberlaw OOXML Seminar 14 December

,----[ Quote ]
| However, this raises the issue - what assurance does a developer have that 
| such a large specification is not the subject of third party patent claims?  
|       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| The pedigree of the specification is certainly no reason for hope, Microsoft 
| has been the target of third party patent claims for some time now including 
| some high profile losses in patent suits. The fact that the specification has 
| been developed behind closed doors and on a fast track means that there has 
| been no adequate opportunity to evaluate the likelihood of third party patent 
| claims against the specifications. The sheer size of the document suggests 
| there will be at least a couple hiding in there somewhere.       


A Patent Lie

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft sang a very different tune in 1991. In a memo to his 
| senior executives, Bill Gates wrote, "If people had understood how 
| patents would be granted when most of today's ideas were invented, 
| and had taken out patents, the industry would be at a complete 
| standstill today." Mr. Gates worried that "some large company will 
| patent some obvious thing" and use the patent to "take as much of 
| our profits as they want."


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