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[News] [Rival] Revolt in Microsoft Corporation Amid Exodus?

MS Poll 08

,----[ Quote ]
|     I used to work in Microsoft India SMSG. In the past week, 10% of BMO 
|     quit. We've had people in EPG bail out in a hurry because the management 
|     does not care and is totally intellectually corrupt. Hiring is the 
|     exclusive domain of the GM who calls her cronies from HP to rape the 
|     company culture. I am done with MS India. DPE has a leader who is not a 
|     leader.     
|     When people talk about MS Poll and how OHI has improved they forget that 
|     the the problem is that 50% of the hires in India are about a year old 
|     and they're still drinking the kool ade. To them, the mere act of joining 
|     Microsoft is something to be proud of. They're still giddy with delight 
|     at getting the MS offer letter because for years they have been shat upon 
|     by the Indian SIs they come from during their tenure there.     
|     We've got a CVP who is preoccupied with seeing his face in the newspaper 
|     and magazines. To him, success is the number of publication impressions 
|     and not the well being of the employees.  
|     Stock price?? It's important, but with grade levels sucking in India, the 
|     grants are miniscule. Unless of course you are a partner or VP in which 
|     case you are laughing all the way to the bank while the employees drive 
|     revenue and sweat in the mines.   
|     This is the Microsoft India I left. I'm glad I am no longer part of it.
| [...]
|     I have heard the same about India Dev Center also. Lot of people at lower 
|     levels (dev/dev-II) seem to be leaving the company and salary seems to be 
|     the primary motivation. In some cases, even the entry-level salaries at 
|     these "rival" companies is more than these people's (with 3-5 years 
|     experience) current salary.    
| [...]
|     How bad is things in Microsoft India? The GM Neelam Dhawan is fired and 
|     going back to HP. She is taking Rajiv Srivastava with her.  
| [...]
|     My friends and fellow Microsoft people, let me tell you that the 
|     situation in SMSG India is horrible. People are leaving and the 
|     leadership never meets the employees. We have box manufacturers trying to 
|     sell software. We have Chairman who I have not seen in 6 months in 
|     person. I have seen him on TV and the newspaper a few times. We have MD 
|     Neelam Dhawan who interviewed at Cisco 2 times and did not get a job 
|     there and is now going back to HP. The Country Manager for Xbox has left. 
|     BMO has almost 100% churn.       
| [...]
|     Weekly reporting !!!
|     The Walmartization of Microsoft is now complete. I am in EPG and am now 
|     expected to give a weekly sales forecast. What crack is he smoking?  
| [...]
|     We are tired of scorecards and metrics and now Weekly Fucking 
|     forecasts???? 
|     Will Kevin-the-used-car-salesman please leave the building?
|     SteveB - what WILL wake you up? 


Microsoft, Just Walk on By

,----[ Quote ]
| And the oodles of people we keep hiring is another reason to start fingering 
| the towel: Mini-what? I don't know how many sharks we've jumped here already, 
| and I always see fins in the water ahead.  



Microsoft's Vista Blogger Quits As Redmond Exodus Builds

,----[ Quote ]
| White did not provide a reason for his decision. To be sure, his position 
| could not have been an easy one. White's posts often elicited hundreds of 
| responses from Vista users complaining about the operating system's numerous 
| glitches and quirks.   
| His departure also raises questions about Microsoft's ability to retain 
| talent in the Web 2.0 world.  
| [...]
| Earlier this year, Microsoft Business Division president Jeff Raikes said he 
| would retire in September, to be replaced by former Juniper Networks chief 
| operating officer Stephen Elop.  
| Microsoft's merger and acquisitions chief Bruce Jaffe stepped down at the end 
| of February. 
| To boot, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates will give up full-time duties at the 
| company in July. 
| The departures highlight one of Microsoft's biggest challenges as a mature 
| company: attracting and retaining Silicon Valley's top talent. In its early 
| days, Microsoft could entice recruits with an entrepreneurial environment and 
| stock options that eventually turned secretaries into millionaires.    


Vista marketing chief to bid Microsoft adieu

,----[ Quote ]
| Michael Sievert, Corporate Vice President for Windows Product Marketing, is 
| moving on, according to multiple sources of mine. 
| It’s hard to make the case that Sievert, who was responsible for the 
| worldwide introduction of Windows Vista, isn’t being pushed for the 
| less-than-enthusiastic public perception of Microsoft’s latest version of 
| Windows. Even though Microsoft has moved 100-million-plus copies of Vista, 
| many consumers and businesses still consider the new release buggy, sluggish 
| and incompatible with existing software and drivers.     



Microsoft’s OEM chief defects to Lenovo

,----[ Quote ]
| While so many of us Microsoft watchers were preoccupied with the hasty 
| departure of former Microsfot CIO Stuart Scott, the resignation of the 
| company’s OEM chief slipped right by most of us.  


Microsoft losing acquisition playmaker

,----[ Quote ]
| In a previous life Jaffe was the CFO for Microsoft's MSN division, and also 
| had roles overseeing acquisitions related to Microsoft's consumer business, 
| groups like MSNBC and Microsoft Games.  


Microsoft Windows hardware leader takes a ‘vacation’

,----[ Quote ]
| Veteran Softies are dropping like flies lately. The latest Microsoft exec to 
| leave is Jawad Khaki, Corporate Vice President of the Windows Hardware 
| Ecosystem.  


Danny Thorpe quits the Windows Live development team

,----[ Quote ]
| Danny Thorpe, one of the higher-profile hires Microsoft made to its Windows 
| Live team, has decided to leave for greener pastures. 


Microsoft says Zune executive will leave company

,----[ Quote ]
| Bryan Lee, corporate vice president at Microsoft's entertainment
| and devices division, also played a key role in shaping the Xbox
| game console business and the introduction of its Internet
| Protocol television software.


Yet another Microsoft search exec calls it quits

,----[ Quote ]
| In March, Blake Irving, the Corporate VP in charge of the Windows
| Live platform, announced his plans to leave Microsoft, effective
| this summer. Payne announced his resignation from Microsoft shortly
| after Irving made his announcement.


Former Microsoft Search Chief Bill Bliss On Early Search Missteps

,----[ Quote ]
| Bill's biggest regret? Not bypassing middle management that wasn't
| listening to him scream about the coming threat of Google and going
| right up to Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer. 


Microsoft Search Leader To Leave Company

,----[ Quote ]
| The Microsoft Corp. vice president who led the company's push into
| Internet search is leaving the software giant as the effort he
| helped launch loses ground against lead competitor Google Inc.


Microsoft Businesss Solutions Group's Burgum to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp.'s Business Solutions group senior vice president Doug
| Burgum will resign, effective June 30, and leave the company to pursue
| other opportunities, the company said on Tuesday.


Database head to leave daily duties at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Paul Flessner, who leads Microsoft's data storage and platform
| division, will step down from his daily duties after the new year.


Microsoft Windows Live VP to resign

,----[ Quote ]
| Blake Irving, a Corporate Vice President in Microsoft's Windows
| Live Platform group, is resigning his post, according to sources
| close to the company.


Veteran Windows architect resigns from Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| On the heels of a week of news of a number of Microsoft executive departures 
| and reshufflings, another has come to light. Rob Short, Corporate Vice 
| President for Windows Core, has resigned from the company.  


Juniper Networks exec to succeed Microsoft Business Division President Raikes

,----[ Quote ]
| Another reason I consider the Raikes announcement timing odd: Why announce 
| Raikes’ departure a day after acknowledging the defection of your mergers and 
| acquisitions chief Bruce Jaffe? You could make the argument that Microsoft 
| wants to get all its defection/churn announcements out of the way at once. 
| But I’m not sure I’d look at things the same way, if I were one of the 
| company’s “image makers”….     
| Microsoft also announced on January 10 that Bob Muglia, the Senior Vice 
| President in charge of Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, is going to 
| move out of the Business Division and report directly to CEO Steve Ballmer.  


Microsoft loses top executive in China

,----[ Quote ]
| "Li Gong is currently exploring other career opportunities," Microsoft said 
| in a statement to News.com. 
| [...]
| In a September 2005 Business Week interview, Ballmer touted Gong as
| one of several key hires that Microsoft had made.
| Most recently, Gong has served as managing director of Windows LiveC
| hina and as Vice President of Microsoft China R&D Group.
| Gong's name came up in the case over Kai-Fu Lee, the top Microsoft
| executive whose hiring by Google sparked a multistate legal battle. 


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