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Re: [News] Bill Gates' Latest Smear, FUD Tactics and Fake "Retirement"

____/ Sinister Midget on Thursday 24 April 2008 11:29 : \____

> On 2008-04-24, William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> ____/ RonB on Thursday 24 April 2008 01:57 : \____
>>>> Didn't realize Vista ME was open source.
>>> It *might* eventually be, but Ballmer says that Vista ME is still "work in
>>> progress." When will there be a final release of Vista?
>> But *will* there be a final release of Vista? Or will M$, in their usual
>> manner, make an updated version of Vista (remember Win98 & 98SE?) so they
>> can screw yet *more* cash out of their followers...thus fullfilling their
>> motto "Never give a sucker an even break".
> I think it'll be more like Windows ME (vs. Vista ME). They'll stop
> selling it, stop talking about it, bury it in the press and search
> engines with as much information as they can with updated "news" about
> Windows 7 ME and pretend it never happened.
> NEWSTARD: Did Vista cause you to have to rethink how you're doing
>           business?
> SWEATY:   Huh? Vista? What's that? Is that another one of those linux
>           things? We're not worried about linux. We're not threatened
>           by it. It never colors anything we do. Now, Windows 7 will
>           compare very favorably with linux.
> NEWSTARD: Vista? Did I say that? I have no idea what that is. I can't
>           imagine why I mentioned something I never heard of before.
>           Yeah, linux is a niche product. Vista sounds like a name for
>           a niche product. It must be another one of those niche linux
>           products.

>From what I've read, SP1 made it worse in certain ways. Even fewer applications
run on that *ahem* resource pig, which is slower than RTM in some ways. Some
people find their system unbootable.

Vista has been very embarrassing to Microsoft and they know the truth
internally (they just hardly show it, but Pirillo sure does).

                ~~ Best of wishes

"Don’t encourage new, cross-platform Java classes, especially don’t help get
great Win 32 implementations written/deployed. (..) Do encourage fragmentation
of the Java classlib space."

                --Ben Slivka, Microsoft

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