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Re: [News] [Rival] The MSBBC on the 'Windows Ecosystem' (Cybercrime, 320 Million Zombie PCs)

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008 13:53:18 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> ____/ chrisv on Wednesday 23 April 2008 13:41 : \____
>> Mark Kent wrote:
>>>Phil Da Lick! espoused:
>>>> What's difficult about that? It was lesson number one in dynamic memory
>>>> usage on my c++ course.
>>>> Not checking it is bad programming practice.
>>>Snap - one of the first things I learnt about using C 20 years ago was
>>>to check what malloc returned.  It's not difficult.
>> Well, you guys probably didn't attend the prestigious William H. Gates
>> College of Crapware.
> CoC? Like Cocaine? That college must be getting kids addicted.
> But you know what they say...
>                 First one's free! (gratis)

I do believe Roy Schestowitz and Gates have something in common.
Neither graduated college.

However Gates is a visionary and become one of the world's richest people
so I would tend to say he made the correct decision. He was also able to
get into Harvard which Schestowitz could never do because of his obvious
lack of intelligence.

Roy Schestowitz however is a low level paid SPAMMER who is wasting his
parents money while he languishes as a professional student at some third
rate college.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
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