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[News] US Government May Keep Suicidal USPTO in Tact

A Eulogy For Patent Reform?

,----[ Quote ]
| Everyone agreed that the U.S. patent system needs to be updated. But if it 
| hadn't been for one sticking point, that update might have come this year. 
| Now that high-level talks in the Senate Judiciary Committee have broken down, 
| the opportunity for the patent system's first major overhaul in 50 years may 
| have been lost -- at least for the current legislative session.   


It's all controlled the corporations, the monopolies. Until the system
collapses nothing will change.

Interview with Kurt Denke, the man who shut "Monster Cable" up

,----[ Quote ]
| I was lucky enough to catch Kurt Denke for a short interview. Kurt is 
| actually on vacation right now; however, he still found some time to answer 
| my questions. For those who have been living under a rock for the last week, 
| Kurt Denke is the owner of Blue Jeans Cable; Monster Cable attacked Blue 
| Jeans Cable on the basis of “Intellectual Property violations”. You should 
| read Kurd Denke’s response. It’s a very enjoyable read, which makes you 
| realise just how knowledgeable Kurt Denke is, on intellectual property law 
| and on cables (!).       


Intellectual monopoly says "keep out!"

Related and recent:

Patent police raid booths at CeBit trade show

,----[ Quote ]
| The police didn't name which people or companies were targeted, but they did 
| say the alleged patent violations deal with devices that have MP3, MP4, or 
| digital video broadcast functions; DVD players; and blank CDs and DVDs. They 
| managed to fill 68 boxes with gadgets, documents, and advertising material 
| and took down the identities of nine people, most of whom were reportedly 
| cooperative.     
| The raid was a response to a rising number of "criminal complaints by the 
| holders of patent rights in the run-up to CeBit," and the patent holders had 
| warned the accused companies in "good time" about their lack of licenses, 
| police said, according to the AP.    


CeBIT 2008: Alleged patent troll Sisvel throws wrench in works of several
smartphone and digital media player makers over MP3 licensing

,----[ Quote ]
| Italy-based Sisvel S.p.a., holder of a somewhat controversial MP3 patent, has 
| had the CeBIT 2008 booths of several Windows Mobile smartphone and digital 
| media player makers shut down over allegations that the devices of the makers 
| infringe on its patents.   


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