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[News] [Rival] Microsoft the Next IBM-like Dinosaur, Vista a Likely Cause

Frankly Speaking: Microsoft's woes are like IBM's of old

,----[ Quote
| By coincidence, 15 years ago this month, Lou Gerstner arrived at IBM.
| [...]
| Here's the worst part: Microsoft's approach to customers has always been 
| old-school IBM: Lock 'em in. But the first rule of lock-in is this: Never 
| break your customers' software. And the second rule is this: Never force a 
| product on customers that breaks their software when the previous version 
| still works fine.    
| Vista breaks applications. It breaks device drivers. It breaks the strongest 
| reasons for customers to stay with Microsoft. It actually threatens to break 
| Microsoft's customer lock-in.   


Many of Microsoft's products are derived from Windows codebase and Vista was a
turn down the wrong alley.

Microsoft is telling you Vista’s DOA

,----[ Quote ]
| While I could tell you in great detail why Vista is junk, I won’t bother this 
| time, since Ballmer did a fine job himself. He said that Vista needed 
| improvements in system performance, software and hardware compatibility and 
| battery life. Oh, and he also admitted that Vista requires more system 
| resources, a lot more, and newer system resources, than XP.    


If Yahoo disappoints tomorrow, Microsoft could celebreate taking a load of over
$20,000,000,000 from the bank (desparation in the "Slog" against Google).
That's success?


Microsoft says to borrow money for Yahoo deal

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft Corp said on Monday it may borrow money for the first time in its 
| history to fund a portion of its $44.6 billion unsolicited offer for Yahoo 
| Inc.  


Microsoft's DreamSpark – What a Giveaway

,----[ Quote ]
| The rest of the $44.6bn (£22.3bn) deal would be financed with an undisclosed 
| amount of credit. 
| What that means is that it must squeeze as much money as it can from its 
| operations to fund that debt and still pay dividends to shareholders, who 
| will be looking for some payback from the Yahoo takeover.  


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