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[News] Microsoft/Novell Sell Snake Oil and Leave Door Open for Ubuntu Linux

The Biggest Blunder: Or why Red Hat and Novell just left the door wide open to

,----[ Quote ]
| In recent announcements both Red Hat and Novell made it pretty clear that 
| their foray onto the desktop would be delayed quite a bit longer. What they 
| do not know is that they just left the door wide open for Ubuntu to conquer 
| the desktop and the server space.   


Microsoft and Novell: Exonerating Chinese piracy?

,----[ Quote ]
| I will admit, I am laughing as I type this. The news that Microsoft and 
| Novell are taking their interoperability roadshow to China is hilarious on a 
| number of different levels.  
| [...]
| I bet! I suspect Nie Hua was crying himself to sleep at night before 
| Microsoft and Novell approached him with this. You can just imagine his 
| fretting: "How will I deal with the uncertainty of Linux's intellectual 
| property position unless Microsoft, which has attempted to introduce the 
| uncertainty, blesses my Linux distribution?" Give me a break.    
| [...]
| It is almost certainly true, however, that both Microsoft and Novell need to 
| curry favor with China. Microsoft, because Windows is already free (as in 
| pirated) in China. And Novell, because Linux is, oddly enough, pirated in 
| China and to the extent that it's paid for, Red Flag Linux dominates the 
| market.    



Novell congratulates itself for snogging Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell wants you to know that selling its soul to Steve Ballmer was a really 
| good idea. 
| On the last day of 2007, two separate Novell execs tossed up blog posts 
| congratulating themselves for agreeing to that "interoperability partnership" 
| with Microsoft, a year-old deal intent on forcing an unholy relationship 
| between Linux and Windows.   


Novell Wasn't Profitable Even After Sugar From Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| Even with that "sugar" from Microsoft, Novell didn't end up profitable for 
| the year. I don't know how much of the $355.6m payment was recognized as 07 
| revenue but Novell still ended fiscal 07 with a $44.5 million loss.  


Why is there no Open Source SLES ?

,----[ Quote ]
| One of them is that the SLES community is much smaller and more aimed at 
| proprietary software. Novell itself is promoting Mixed Source and promotes 
| its own proprietary software on top of SLES (also see OES). This obviously 
| scares part of the community away. The deal with Microsoft obviously does as 
| well. As a result Novell is big within Enterprises with little community 
| people, and these are not the kind of people that would spend their free time 
| rebuilding packages and do QA.      
| Another reason is that Novell is not in favor of such a project (even though 
| people from within Novell _and_ people in the SLES community disagree with 
| management) because it fears it will take away some of the profit and Novell 
| made a big risk by taking the Linux route, they cannot afford to make it 
| fail.    


Is it Microsoft + Novell or Microsoft vs. Novell?

,----[ Quote ]
| Actually, this is very surprising. I've started to notice a trend in all the 
| announcements the two companies have made over the past year: Novell stresses 
| interoperability while Microsoft beats its drum on patent protection.  
| [...]
| I wonder how long Microsoft will continue its efforts to try to cast the deal 
| as about IP. It's not for Novell, it seems to me now. Microsoft did the deal 
| to hurt Linux - there's no other explanation for it. It has no fiduciary duty 
| to enable a competitor (unless its a weaker competitor against the Linux 
| market leader, Red Hat). It has a fiduciary duty to kill that competitor.    


Novell uses Microsoft FUD to market itself

,----[ Quote ]
| That these claims also could be taken to mean that Novell is developing a 
| non-standard Linux, one that is skewed only towards working with Windows, 
| appears to have escaped Novell.  
| In other words, Novell has an "in" with Microsoft which Red Hat does not; 
| Utah and Redmond are in bed together and Red Hat is an intruder. 


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