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[News] [Rival] Microsoft's Sad Acknowledgement That Vista Marketing Was a Sham

Microsoft Shows Its True Colors

,----[ Quote ]
| It started the other day when a Steve Ballmer speech to the Microsoft MVPs 
| leaked out. According to several news sources including this one from 
| ArsTechnica, Ballmer called Vista "a work in progress" at a Microsoft MVP 
| meeting. Well, I could have told you that. It's slow, annoying and smacks of 
| a less than stellar effort by the Microsoft development team, but people have 
| paid big money for this OS and they have a right to a product that's not in 
| progress, but one that's ready to go from Day 1.      
| [...]
| The video, which is supposed to be a spoof on Bruce Springsteen's 1984 
| Dancing in the Dark video makes fun of Microsoft Sales messages. Not only is 
| it cheesy, and it spoofs a video that's 25 years old, it shows that Microsoft 
| knows its own sales messages are bull, something we all knew all along, but 
| we don't expect to hear, you know, from the vendor.    


Why not get something that /works/ and has more releases coming (a future), not
just vapourware? Here is a new example:

Debian 4 GNU/Linux with KDE

,----[ Quote ]
| I then update my newly added repositories. Then I install the KDE desktop. 
| The final result, a clean-and-pristine, easy-to-use and manage Debian 4 
| GNU/Linux with KDE.  


Entire nations and cities already migrate to customised Debian builds.
Microsoft is of course well aware of this (it tries to throw in wrenches), but
Debian has no marketing department to shout about these migrations because
it's not a company.


19 new Debian Developers! \o/

,----[ Quote ]
| I am very happy that 19 contributors who were waiting for their accounts, 
| sometimes for a very long time, became Debian Developers today. This is great 
| news for them, and for the project as a whole.   



Debian “Lenny” will be released as Debian 5.0

,----[ Quote ]
| Also interesting enough he mentioned that Lenny might be released with 
| KDE4... 


Next Debian release by year-end... maybe

,----[ Quote ]
| The next release of Debian GNU/Linux, Lenny, is expected to take place before 
| the end of 2008, senior developer Martin Krafft told a miniconference on the 
| distribution at the Australian national Linux conference today.  


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