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Re: How Microsoft Vandalised (Espionage) to Kill Competitor

On Aug 9, 1:26 am, "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rex Ballard wrote:
> > The NASDAQ and OTC are littered with the bodies of former Microsoft
> > "Partners" who had their software poached by Microsoft and then
> > accepted a Microsoft-written settlement, only to discover too late,
> > that it was essentially worthless, and worse than that, granted
> > Microsoft immunity for both past and future activity of the same type.
> Like who?  Name one, with plenty of proof for every lie you just posted.
> <requests for proof are translated into Rex's brain as reasons to slink away
> and come back later with more lies>

In no particular order.

McAffee, Norton, Symantic, Quarterdeck, Novell, WordPerfect, Lotus,
Corel, Borland, Cyrix, AMD, IBM's OS/2 division, Sun/Java, Gateway,
ButtonWare, Mark Williams, Apple (eventually recovered by adopting
Unix and adding product diversity), DEC, Alpha, Texas Instraments,
Tandy, Commodore, Atari, Sony, Electronic Arts.

As for the settlement and legal costs information, that's in the 10-K
annual report.  It's been a pretty big Line Item for about 12 years.

The settlements with the DOJ are a matter of public record.  The
settlements with other states are not so public.  Most of the
settlements are under court seal.

If you want to unseal the settlements, you can prove me wrong, or
prove me right.  It would take a criminal prosecution under RICO to
unseal the settlements.

I don't think the Bush administration will lift a finger, other
prosecutors were fired for doing things the Bush administration didn't
like, and current investigations in various states and nations are
typically not announced until indictments are handed down.

The only reliable form is print or photocopied print media, such as
Microfilm or Microfiche of trade magazines for the period from 1977 to
2008.  Some electronic web archives are purged within a week if a
major advertiser such as Microsoft, requests that it be "Cleaned up".

The other possibility would be for Microsoft to attempt to sue
someone, and the defendant could then petition to have all the
settlements unsealed.  And of course, all relevant records from those
cases could be reprocessed and made part of the public record again.

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