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[News] The Joys of Another GNU/Linux Mini-Laptop

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Ubuntu Hardy on the Vye S41 (Kohjinsha SR8…Ithink)

,----[ Quote ]
| So here’s a good topic to get into on the geekery, UMPCs.  I really like 
| these small form factor laptops.  So much I’ve got 2!  Of course I’m paying 
| them off, but I like the idea of being able to bring a computer with me 
| everywhere.   
| [...]

| In short, I’m quite happy with this Vye as a personal PC for travel and day 
| to day stuff.  It’s not a gaming machine by any means, but I don’t need one.  
| The burner makes it easy to burn dvds on the road, so if I go to the cottage, 
| I’m never without something to watch if the days or nights are rainy.  I 
| think photographers would be happy with this machine.  Take a wedding for 
| example, you could have all your photos on your pc (with the built in 
| SD/Memory Stick and compact flash, sort through the good, burn to cd and have 
| your entire session complete before you even leave for the day.  Not bad.        



32+ Ultra-Mobile PCs That Run Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| [...]
| # MSI Wind
| # Aware A-Pad
| # 3K RazorBook
| # Sylvania G
| # Gigabyte M912V
| # Unnamed GeCube
| # VIA OpenBook
| # Ink Mobile
| # VDL Jisus
| # Lenovo IdeaPad S10
| # Dell E


Otellini: 'MID revolution will be centred round Linux'

,----[ Quote ]
| Intel CEO says Microsoft's insistence on pushing Vista will hand market to
| open source rival
| Intel's CEO has said that he sees the revolution that is about to happen
| around mobile internet devices (MID) such as the Eee PC and other Atom-based
| sub-notebooks will be "centred round Linux", in an interview with Associated
| Press.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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