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[News] [Rival] Stick a Fork Microsoft Windows, It's Dead

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Some advice for Microsoft: Dump Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| In light of the new Windows flaws announced yesterday, I think it's time to 
| reiterate a point I made a long time ago: 
| It's time for Microsoft to dump Windows.
| In fact, ten years ago would have been a good time to start. At the risk of 
| berating the obvious, it's clear that security will continue to be a major 
| problem for Microsoft. The reason is their tether to legacy code, and their 
| patchwork attempts to shore up their OS core. It's time to let it go.   
| Apple did it, and did it well. They created a virtualized environment to run 
| Classic MacOS apps in order to ease the transition. When they switched 
| processor architectures, they developed Rosetta, which allows PowerPC apps to 
| run on an Intel platform without modification, again, easing the transition. 
| It can be done. It has been done. It should be done.    



Microsoft to Users: We're Giving Up on Windows

,----[ Quote ]
| It's true: Microsoft has confirmed that it's abandoning Windows as we know
| it. Cagey as ever, the Microsofties won't say when it'll happen, but they
| have talked a little bit about what the next OS is going to look like--or not
| look like.
| Microsoft code-named the project Midori. As best I can figure, it's cloud
| computing: Everything, including applications and data, is on the Internet.


Windows 7: R.I.P.

,----[ Quote ]
| Death throes. That’s how I’d describe the latest barrage of white papers from
| Microsoft. The company’s flagship, Windows Vista, is thrashing around in the
| shallows like a wounded animal, fighting in vain to escape the inevitable.
| [...]
| Now we learn that there’s no point in waiting for Windows 7 because,
| according to Microsoft, “it’ll be just like Vista.”
| Talk about eating your young! Microsoft is now publicly trashing their next
| version in order to salvage their current dud. Never mind that they’re
| killing the very positive mystique surrounding Windows 7. Company executives
| are hell bent on proving that the Vista “Refuseniks” were wrong, and they’re
| not above using force to achieve their goal.
| That’s right, hidden within their latest propaganda piece is the not so
| veiled threat that customers who bypass Vista risk widening the very
| compatibility chasm that dissuaded them in the first place. That’s because
| Microsoft has no intention of making it any easier for customers to upgrade
| to Windows 7 from XP than it is for them to upgrade from XP to Vista today.

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