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[News] Mobile Linux Consortia Happy Independently

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Google Says Android's Fine, No Need To Join LiMo

,----[ Quote ]
| Google on Tuesday said its Android mobile operating system is not planning to 
| join a growing consortium of mobile Linux companies even though the two sides 
| have similar foundations and goals of besting Apple's iPhone.  
| Eric Chu, a group marketing manager with Google's Android group, downplayed 
| any talk that his company would be lending its name to the Linux Mobile 
| Foundation -- or LiMo -- in an attempt to standardize mobile middleware. LiMo 
| said on Monday that it has signed 11 new member companies in recent weeks and 
| said that the number of mobile devices running the LiMo OS now totals 21.     


LiMo-ready mobile stack firms tidy up partnerships

,----[ Quote ]
| Two LiMo-member mobile phone stack firms followed through on partnership 
| deals in separate announcements this week. Purple Labs announced a joint 
| testing commitment with Openwave Systems, and Access announced it had  
| concluded a joint development agreement on FOMA phones with NTT DoCoMo.  


"Fat operating systems spend most of their energy supporting their own fat."
        --Nicholas Negroponte, MIT Media Lab, rediff.com, Apr 2006


Open source to 'blow mobiles open'

,----[ Quote ]
| McCabe said that the impending release of Google Android would provide
| a "wonderful catalyst" for the breakdown of proprietary software and hardware
| bundles from telcos. Other open source handset software includes the recent
| release of mobile Ubuntu.


What Android means for Apple, MS, open source, enterprises

,----[ Quote ]
| The GPhone never happened, but Android is a much more significant development
| [...]
| A better approach, argues Dan Kohn, COO of the Linux Foundation, is to pick
| one set of standards that IT will support for calendaring, email
| applications, VPN and so on, and tell users they can use any mobile phone
| compatible with those standards.  
| [...]
| What Android means for open source and Linux
| Linux already has a major presence on mobile phones, but the entrance of
| Google and the Open Handset Alliance — which has 34 member organisations
| worldwide — adds to the momentum.  
| "We're a huge believer in diversity of options on mobile phones," Kohn of the
| Linux Foundation says. "Linux is already an important, growing presence
| there. I think having the Google software as an additional open source option
| is only going to accelerate that adoption."  


Feeling the heat at Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| A couple of years ago you reiterated that IBM was Microsoft's biggest
| competitor and you said not just on the business side, but overall. If I ask
| you who is Microsoft's biggest competitor now, who would it be?  
| Ballmer: Open...Linux. I don't want to say open source. Linux, certainly have
| to go with that.

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