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Re: [News] 7 New Linux Phones Unveiled

* AZ Nomad peremptorily fired off this memo:

> On Tue, 5 Aug 2008 13:03:43 -0400, Linonut <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>* Rick peremptorily fired off this memo:
>>> On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 12:05:08 -0400, Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>>> LG Electronics, Motorola, NEC, Panasonic, Samsung all seem to disagree 
>>> with you....
>>> But of course, we all realize the all-knowing Quark knows more about cell 
>>> phones than the manufacturers </sarcasm>
>>Of course!  He was a production manager and also worked at CERN, and did
>>work for IBM.
> And it was a fine job he did scrubbing out the toilets.


   Plot summary for
   The Reluctant Astronaut (1967)

   Don Knotts is Roy Fleming, a small town kiddie-ride operator who is
   deathly afraid of heights. After learning that his father has signed
   him up for the space program, Roy reluctantly heads for Houston, only
   to find out upon arriving that his job is a janitor, not an
   astronaut. Anxious to live up to the expectations of his domineering
   father, Roy manages to keep up a facade of being an astronaut to his
   family and friends. When NASA decides to launch a lay person into
   space to prove the worthiness of a new automated spacecraft, Roy gets
   the chance to confront his fears. 

Women can keep a secret just as well as men, but it takes more of them
to do it.

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